Configuration of Product Comments


The product description in appero quote is aimed at the recipient of the quote, and is therefore also displayed in the quote PDF. For internal information that makes the sales process easier and that is not to be communicated externally, there are several possibilities

  • include a hidden text area in the template that contains the desired information and is not visible to the recipient

  • for very short remarks, a custom column with type Text, is suitable, which is only displayed in the product detail dialog

  • add an additional comment to the product, which can be displayed via the badge on the right edge of the editor:

The configuration of this last option is explained in this chapter.

Configuration of the product comment

To add a product comment, you will find 3 additional fields at the object product2, section User Guidance:











Rich Text-Area(131.072)

In this text box, enter the comment that you want to display in the quote editor. For formatting, you can use the options of the Salesforce Rich Text Editor


Badge Color



If you want to better highlight the comment with a colored badge, please enter the hex code of the desired color in this field, e.g. #FFFF00


Badge Text Color



If necessary, adjust the font color of the badge to the background color for better readability.

If a comment has been added to the product, it is automatically displayed on the inserted product and can be expanded and collapsed as desired by clicking on the badge.

How it works

The display of the comment in the quote editor is always based on the current field entry on the product. I.e. if this has changed in the meantime, the current, the changed content is always displayed when editing an offer or using an existing offer.

If you use quote templates or bricks with products, the existing product comment will also be displayed here as a comment at the quote position. Although technically you have the possibility to adjust text and badge color via further editing options directly in the template/brick editor, these changes will not be permanently applied. When using the template, the current values are always pulled from the product record.

Related links

Product Comment


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