Product Images
In addition to the stand-alone image item, appero quote also gives you the option of adding images directly to the product record and displaying them below the product description:
In order to have product imaging available in the quote editor, you must first enable it in the settings, "Interface" Setting:
Setting | Type | Parameter Name | Parameter Textblock | Note |
Display Product Image Tab | Option switch | showProductImageTab | true/false | If enabled, users can add/edit product images |
In the product record, you can now enter the image url of the desired graphic in the "Product Image" field (sf42_quotefx__SF42_ProductImageUrl__c). As with quote templates, the following formats are supported:
external URLs
If you use external URLs, please store these domains in the setup under “Trusted URLs” so that the image can be displayed. Please also make sure that the standard users also have the necessary permissions for the images..
Product images in the quote editor
If an image is stored in the data set, the product is inserted directly into the quote with the image.
In the product detail dialog there is now another tab "Image" with the familiar editing options for images .
If there is no image stored on the product yet, or if this is to be replaced in the quote editor, there is also the option here of uploading an image from the hard disk via the "Upload Files" button. It will then be saved as a file in the opportunity in the same way as images in image items.
Unlike the image item, only one image can be stored or uploaded per product.
The product image in the quote PDF
In the quote PDF, the product image is displayed below the product description and, if applicable, product properties in a separate line:
There may be differences between the display of the image in the quote editor and in the PDF. Please deposit your images so that they correspond as closely as possible to the desired result in terms of dimensions and resolution.