The Product object (Product2) is the main focus of the quotation process in appero quote. It has been expanded for the AdSales process in order to include media-specific information for the quotation process.
The standard object Product will be extended by relations to Ad Positions, Ad Format, and Product Groups. This allows products to be indirectly assigned to publications. In the quotation process with appero quote, this information is relevant for the availability check.
Object Structure
Salesforce Setup
Create a new product record:
The following information is essential for an AdSales Product:
Field (with example) | Description |
The product name defines the label of the product displayed on the quote. Choose a descriptive name to ease the product search. | |
Only active products are available for the quotation process. | |
The product description will also be displayed in the quotation document. Here, you have the option to dynamically request the ad format to reduce manual effort. | |
Lookup to related position. | |
Lookup to related ad format. | |
Lookup to related product group. Here, you must assign the same product group that is related to the publication. | |
Optional lookup to another product group. |
Technical Description
API Name | Label EN |
Product2 | Product |
Field name | Label EN | Type | Comment |
Name | Product name | Text (255) | Required field. Is displayed in appero quote |
Description | Product description | Text (4000) | The description appears in the quotation document below the product name. |
isActive | Active | Checkbox | Only active products can be offered in appero quote. |
ProductCode | Productcode | Text(255) | Here, you have the option to add a product code / number, which is then displayed in the quote as own column. |
f42_dispo__AdPosition__c | Ad Position | Lookup (Ad Position) | Required field. Relation to Ad Position. |
f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | Ad Format | Lookup (Ad Format) | Required field. Relation to Ad Format. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_Product_Group__c | Product Group | Lookup (Product Group) | Relation to Product Group. A Product Property is related to a Product Group to request the availability within the quotation process. Here, please choose the same product group, you already assigned to the publication. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_Product_Group_2__c | Secondary Product Group | Lookup (Product Group) | Up to two product groups can be assigned to a product. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_VE__c | PU | Number (11, 5) | Additional quantity field, "Packaging unit" for e.g. digital products that are offered via Cost Per Thousand (CPM) or via rotation principle, see section Price Book Entry. Here, 0.001 needs to be selected for all products offered with CPM. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_editableListprice__c | Listprice is editable | Checkbox | To enable manual editing for list prices during the quotation process. |
f42_dispo__ignorePagePlanning__c | Ignore for Page Planning | Checkbox | The product is not considered for the calculation. |
Family | Product Family | Picklist | Optional. Allows grouping in product families. |
f42_dispo__f42_SAP_CompanyCode__c | Company Code | Lookup(Sales Organisation) | Here, you have the option to create a relation to a Sales Organization. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_IsDiscountProduct__c | Is Discount Product | Checkbox | Not relevant for AdSales products. Affects configuration of Summary Discounts. |
42_dispo__BundleProduct__c | Bundle Product | Lookup(Product) | Denotes a product bundle, informative character, can be relevant when a connection to a CMS takes place. |
f42_dispo__Bundle__c | Bundle | Checkbox | Denotes a product bundle, informative character, can be relevant when a connection to a CMS system takes place. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_IgnoreOppSync__c | Ignore for Opportunity Sync | Checkbox | Not relevant for AdSales products. If this checkbox is active, the product won’t be created as opportunity product when transferred to the opportunity, and therefore it is not added to the opportunity amount. This is useful, for example, for postage costs that are included in the quotation but are not offset against sales. |
QuantityUnitOfMeasure | Quantity Unit of Measure | Picklist | With this picklist, you can maintain individual quantity unit of measure for your products (e.g. days, meter, CPM) and use this measure in appero quote for the product search and read them out as a separate column. Important: The assigned values must also be entered in identical form (API name) in the corresponding picklist sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_QuantityUnitOfMeasure__c and on the object quotation item sf42_quotefx__SF42_GenLineItem__c. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_notDiscountable__c | not discountable | Checkbox | If this checkbox is active, no manual discounts can be given for this product in the columns Discount, Discount 2, Discount 3 and Discount 4. Discounts. Discounts from scale rules or at total level still apply. |
sf42_quotefx__SF42_isOverrideProduct__c | Is Override Product | Checkbox | Checkbox |
Ad Position and Ad Format flow together at the product. Since Ad Position is linked to the availability of each issue, the product itself is valid for all issues.
See also Availability Check
Explanation of product groups in MediaVelox
The product groups from appero quote have several important functions in MediaVelox.
They link the product with the corresponding publication, since both are assigned to the same product group. In appero quote you can thus easily filter your products by product group to the publication you are looking for.
They control the availability check in the quotation process, since the corresponding product property is attached to this product group.
You can also structure your quotation templates using product groups and use them to calculate totals, see also Product Groups in the quotation editor.
Variables in the Product Description
With the product description you give your customer the essential information about your product. You can store this information directly on the product record or edit it in the quote editor.
With the help of variables (merge fields), appero quote offers the possibility of dynamically reading out information on Ad Format and Ad Position in the product description. Your descriptions thus always remain up-to-date and errors caused by manual editing are reduced.
Variable | Meaning | Referenced Object | Referenced Field |
{width} | Width | f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | f42_dispo__width__c |
{height} | Height | f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | f42_dispo__height__c |
{widthprint} | Width in print | f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | f42_dispo__widthPrintSpace__c |
{heightprint} | Height in print | f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | f42_dispo__heightPrintSpace__c |
{measurewidth} | Unit of measurement for width | f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | f42_dispo__MeasureWidth__c |
{measureheight} | Unit of measurement for height | f42_dispo__AdFormat__c | f42_dispo__MeasureHeight__c |
{placement} | Position | f42_dispo__AdPosition__c | Name |
Example of a Product Description
Product advertisement 1/1 page U4:
"A full-page ad on the issue' cover outer face. Dimensions: {width} {measurewidth} x {height} {measureheight}"
→ if the display format is configured correctly in the editor, this information will be translated to "A full-page ad on the issue' cover outer face. Dimensions: 210 mm x 297 mm."
Specific characteristics of digital products
Cost Per Thousand
For each Product, a Price Book entry is created. Price Book entries are later used as the price list in the quotation process.
Digital products (e.g. online banners) are special since their prices are not calculated according to the number of pieces, but according to the number of agreed ad impressions, clicks or similar. Since the price of one single ad impression or click is too small, the list price for digital products can be directly entered using cost per thousand (CPM) measurement. Like this, the sales process will be using an accurate digital products price book.
Conversely, this means that the list price must be divided by 1000 in the quote in order to calculate the actual final price. This function is represented by the field PU sf42_quotefx__SF42_VE__c, in the following example with the value 0.001.
Calculation example:
Quantity | Operator | List Price | Operator | PU | End Price |
10.000 Ad Impressions | X | 55€ (price per thousand) | X | 0.001 | 550€ |
To access the PU column in the quote editor, the setup text CalculatePackingunit "Multiply packing unit in calculation" in the settings of appero quote must be activated.
In addition, the setup text roundquant ("quantity rounded to integers") must be set to false.
Digital ads often work with a rotation principle that determines when and where an ad will be shown on a website. For example: three ads are booked for an ad space on a website in one calendar week. The three ads will rotate according to a specific rule, for example: the same ad is shown to every third visitor (rotation of 3). The field "PU" (sf42_quotefx__SF42_VE__c / packaging unit) on the Product object is also used for this. The number of rotations is stored here for all products that are to work with one rotation. Please also note the special features under the Blocked Position Rule section.
Please note that if a product uses both rotation and CPM measurement (what means that the PU field would be filled with 0.001), this information will no be displayed. Bookings which are booked using rotation are always time-based, the corresponding publication must not be marked as a digital publication.