Product Comment


The product description in appero quote is addressed to the quote recipient, and is therefore also displayed in the quote PDF. For internal information that make the sales process easier and that should not be communicated externally, you also have the option of displaying an additional comment via the badge on the right-hand edge of the editor:

The function in detail

If a comment is stored on the product record, it is automatically displayed in the quote editor and can be expanded and collapsed as desired by clicking on the badge.








Exclamation mark in the badge

The exclamation mark in the badge on the right edge of the editor indicates that there is a comment for this product.

Initially, the comment is collapsed. Click on the badge to open the comment text.


Alternative badge color

Optionally, the product can be given an alternative color for better signal effect.



Product comment

The comment is displayed below the product item. It is only visible in the editor and does not appear in the PDF



Close the comment

The x at the left comment border closes the text area. Alternatively, the comment can also be closed again by clicking on the badge.

The display of the comment in the quote editor is always based on the current field entry on the product. I.e. if this has changed in the meantime, the current, changed content is always entered when editing an quote or using an existing quote.