Lower Price Limits (via Simplified Approval Logic)


The approval process functions presented here are only available in the appero quote Enterprise version.

The following chapter refers to the configuration of price limits where the "Use simplified approval logic" parameter is activated. Lower price limits that are configured via the Price Calculation product property are ignored in this case.

For Lower Price Limits configured via the product property Price Calculation, see Lower Price Limits (via Product Property Price Calculation)

Lower price limits define how much discount the employee is allowed to give on a product until an approval process is required for the quote.

appero quote offers the possibility to consider lower price limits and the corresponding approval settings directly when inserting and editing the product in the quote, without the user having to keep the restrictions in mind or running the risk of selling a product below value.



To be able to use the Lowsell function, you must first activate Settings > Approval > "Use simplified approval logic" in the appero quote Setup app.

Lower price limit on product

The lower price limit in appero quote is actually a maximum discount that you can enter as a percentage directly on the product in the "Discount Limit for Approval" field (sf42_quotefx__SF42_DiscountLimitForApproval__c).

Lower price limits in the quote editor

If the item is added to the quote, the lower price limit initially remains invisible and the list price - unlike in a normal price calculation - remains unchanged.

Only when a discount is applied is the difference between the sales price and the lower price limit calculated in the background and displayed via the badge on the right-hand side of the screen:

If the price falls below the lower price limits, the badge turns red, signaling that the price has fallen below the lower limit and that an approval process is necessary:

The lower price limits can be divided into two levels

Display in the Editor




Level 1

Level 1 shows the deviation from the list price. I.e. the list price has been undercut by the discount, in this example by 100, but the lower price limit has not yet been reached.

Level 2

Level 2 shows the deviation from the lower price limits. I.e. the lower price limit was undercut by the discount, in this example by €100.

For the comparison of the total discount with the lower price limits, not only the Discount field, but also all affected Sum Discounts as well as the further Discount columns Discount 2-4 are used and summed up.

The adjustment between discount and list price is always done at the price book entry of the product. Later adjustments of the list price, e.g. due to further product features, do not affect the calculation of the lower price limits.

Display on the Quote record

The approval level and the given discount are also shown under the details of the quote record after saving the quote. The status of the quote can be viewed in full in this way without having to load the editor:

Related links

Approval processes

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