Discounts at Quote Line Item Level
Overview of the different discount fields
appero quote offers various possibilities to assign discounts on item level, i.e. for the individual product. The corresponding fields are located at the Quote Line Item and can be displayed as a column in the quote.
Column Name | API-Name on the Quote Line Item | Meaning |
Discount (%) | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Discount__c | Standard discount field, is deducted from the list price incl. value of product properties. |
Discount 2 | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Discount2__c | 2nd discount column, is calculated after Discount (%) deduction. |
Discount 3 | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Discount3__c | 3rd discount column, is calculated after Discount (%) deduction. |
Discount 4 | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Discount4__c | Special feature. The 4th discount column is calculated from the original list price (including the value of the product properties) regardless of the discounts 1-3 already assigned. |
Discount Partner | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Discount_Partner__c | 5th discount column, is calculated after deducting Discount 1 to Discount 4. |
Discount Distributor | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Discount_Dist__c | 6th discount column, is calculated after deducting Discount 1 to Discount Partner. The next sum column is the SumPrice. |
Special Discount Partner | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Special_Disc_Partner__c | Offers the possibility to assign a further discount for Account 2 after determining the SumPrice in multi-level Sales. Result is purchase price partner sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Buy_Price_Partner__c as single price or Sum Price Partner sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Sum_Price_Partner__c on total quantity. |
Special Discount Distributor | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Spec_Discount_Dist__c | Offers the possibility to assign a further discount for Account 3 after determining the SumPrice and the SumPricePartner in multi-level Sales. Result is Buy Price Distributor sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_Buy_Price_Dist__c as single price or Sum Price Distributor. |
Discount (for Approval) | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoLI_SpecialDiscount__c | The SpecialDiscount field is not editable by the user. It calculates the total discount from all assigned item and related Sum Discounts. The result is the so-called Lowsell Price, the lowest unit price of an item, as it includes all discounts given. |
The starting point for the discount calculation is the so-called 'Adjusted Listprice', i.e. the list price including the value of any existing product properties. Starting from this, discounts 1-3 are calculated successively.
An exception is discount 4, which uses the 'Adjusted Listprice' independently of the previously assigned discounts.
Discount columns in the editor
Provided that the columns are shown, you can assign specific discounts on a percentage basis for individual product items:
Once assigned discounts, whether set manually or by scale rule, can so far only be reset manually by deleting the column content.
The option switch "Reset Discount (%) via Button" in Settings > Calculation shows a button in the product detail dialog with which you can reset the value in the Discount (%) column. The function does not apply to any other discount column.
Calculation logic
In the following overview you can see how the different discount and quantity columns in appero quote interlock:
Behavior in the quoting process
Changes to the End Price column, whether manual adjustments or automated by an absolute bulk discount (in €), will reset previously assigned discount values in the Discount 2-4 columns back to 0%. Discount 1 is recalculated from the difference between Adjusted Listprice and Endprice.
This means for bulk price rules: A bulk discount, if it is calculated as a percentage, is written to the Discount (%) field, the Discount 2-4 columns remain unaffected. If the bulk discount is assigned as absolute, i.e. as an amount, the result is written directly to the final price. This means that previously assigned values in the four discount columns are deleted, the Discount (%) column is recalculated based on the new end price.
Calculation order
By default, discounts are first subtracted from the Adjusted Listprice before it is multiplied by one or more quantity fields. However, there is also the option to first apply the quantity calculation to the list price and then perform the discount calculation afterwards.
To do this, the following setting must be made in the admin area of appero quote:
Section | Name of the Setting | Parameter-Name | Type | Parameter Texblock | Note |
Multiply Listprice (before Discounts) | multipliyOnListprice | Option switch | true / false | Discounts are deducted from the total list price instead of the individual list price. |
Please note that the "Apply Price Matrix to Sales Price" setting cannot be used in combination with the "Multiply Listprice (before Discounts)" setting. The product property Type Pricecalculation is not supported with this calculation method.