Calculation Items

Sum items

Under the quote items, in the Calculation area, you can find various sum items:

Calculation item



The "Subtotal" item automatically adds all products and Sum Discounts above it up to the beginning of the quote or up to a subtotal above it.

Total Net

The "Total Net" item calculates the quote total from all product items above it in the quote.

Group Total Net

This item must first be assigned one or more product groups via the side toolbar. It then sums up all the product items belonging to the group in the entire quote, regardless of whether they are located above or below the totals line. Grouped quote items can be placed anywhere in the document and do not necessarily have to be positioned one after the other. For more details on product groups, see the section of the same name.

If there is a Sum Discount with Product Groups and a Subtotal with Product Groups in the template, the product automatically inserts itself between Sum Discount and Subtotal. This unfortunately does not calculate the Sum Discount. It is recommended to place another subtotal above the Sum Discount and a Total Net with the same product groups after the Sum Discount. In this way, the product is inserted in the correct place and the calculation is complete and comprehensible in all steps for the recipient of the offer.

Advanced calculation of the sum items

In addition to the sum column, in all total net items - subtotal, total net, group total net - the following columns are also calculated correctly:

  • SumListprice

  • Listprice (also displays SumListprice)

  • SumPricePartner

  • SumPriceDist

  • Quantity

  • VE

  • QuantityMultiplier

The values of Formula Columns are also output in the mentioned sum items, provided that a value is meaningfully calculated at item level.

Automatic insertion of subtotal items (Beta)

With the setup text "autoSumInsert" subtotals per product group can be automatically added to the quote and calculated:

As soon as there is more than one product with identical product groups in a quote and it does not contain a total net with these product groups, a new subtotal with this product group assignment is automatically placed below the products.

This check is done when inserting from the opportunity, from the product search and when duplicating products.

If required, create the setup text "autoSumInsert" of type Parameter and enter the value "true" in the Text block field. Please note that the feature is in a beta state and possibly not all functionalities are covered.

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