Approval Processes
Basic information on the approval process with appero quote
The approval process functions presented here are only available in the appero quote Enterprise version.
With the help of individual approval processes, quotes that are prepared jointly by internal and external teams, for example, can be better controlled. appero quote facilitates the assignment of criteria that can be queried in the approval process and controls the editing options until approval.
The approval process itself and the associated notifications are configured in Salesforce Standard.
Settings in appero quote Setup
The following explanations refer to the Simplified Approval Logic, which is activated via the Settings > Approval > "Use Simplified Approval Logic" (setup text name UseSimplifiedApprovalLogic
If this parameter is activated, the system checks whether there is an active approval process on the Quote object in the Salesforce instance:
If so, the buttons for editing and the status display on the quote record page automatically show the required approval steps/options.
If no active approval process is found, the "Submit for Approval" button is also not available and all editing options such as "Copy Products to Opportunity" or "Send via Email" can be executed directly.
Display of Quote Action Buttons
The "Use Simplified Approval Logic" parameter essentially controls the action buttons on the quote record page. For example, you can specify that a quote that has not yet been approved should be blocked from being sent by email or that an approved quote should no longer be able to be edited.
When the approval process is active, the display of the buttons in the background is controlled via the "Approval" sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoApproval__c field. For example, the following buttons are displayed for a new, active quote:
Quote status | Value in Field "Approval" | Available editing options |
| N/A = Stage Draft (with an active approval process) |
| Pending |
| Approved |
| Declined |
| Recall | Must be configured individually |
If you want to use a different configuration of the buttons than suggested in the standard version, please contact your product support.
Further settings in relation to the approval process
Two further settings can optionally be used when the approval process is active
Setting | Type | Parameter Name | Parameter Textblock | Note |
Show 'draft' until approval | Option switch | ShowDraft | true / false | Controls the display of a watermark with the word "Draft" on the quote PDF for quotes that have not yet been approved.
Show Approval Levels in Editor | Option switch | showApprovalLevelsInEditor | true / false | Useful in connection with lower price limits (via Represents the value of the field sf42_quotefx__SF42_ApprovalLevel__c on the badge of the quote line item in the Editor. Level 1, 2, 3 are supported. |
Hilfreiche Felder auf dem Angebotsdatensatz
To make it easier for you to access certain criteria in the actual approval process, some values are automatically calculated on
Field in Salesforce | API-Field name | Explanation |
Total Discount | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoTotalDiscount__c | This field shows the total discount of the quote as an amount. |
Gesamtrabatt (%) | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoTotalDiscountPercent__c | This field shows the total discount of the quote as a percentage. |
Approval Level | sf42_quotefx__SF42_ApprovalLevel__c | Is filled for products with lower price limits (via ) Level 0, 1 and 2 are displayed as standard. |
Approval | sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoApproval__c | Picklist indicating the stage in the approval process:
The process described here is greatly simplified. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding possible trigger criteria or multi-stage approval processes.
Related Links
Lower Price Limits (via Simplified Approval Logic)