Discounts at Sum Level


With the help of discounts you can individualize your quote more and make it more attractive for your customers. Discounts can be shown at the total or item level. This section introduces discounts at summary level. This includes the two items Sum Discount and Price Discount.

The discount product as a prerequisite for the use of Sum Discounts

In order for the Sum Discount or the Price Rebate item to be available and the calculated discount value to be correctly written to the quote, it is necessary to create a so-called discount product beforehand. It is enough to create a product record with the “Is Discount Product” sf42_quotefx__SF42_IsDiscountProduct__c checkbox selected. It is best to give this the name "Discount" and the price book entry 0 €. Only then the determined discount can be cleanly written back to the opportunity.

If the discount is to be used via the "Price Rebate" item, please set the “Is Price Rebate” checkbox - sf42_quotefx__SF42_IsPriceRebateProduct__c instead.

If a corresponding discount or price reduction product is missing, the discount cannot be calculated and the following error message will appear in the editor: "No valid pricebook entry could be found for this position. Please check your configuration. This position will be removed on next save"

Discounts for product groups

appero quote allows you to apply discounts to product groups. To do this, drag the "Sum Discount" or "Price Rebate" item into your quote and assign it to a product group. The "Sum Discount" and "Price Rebate" items can thus be used to show both percentage and absolute discount values on the product group.

Particularity when inserting products

If there is a Sum Discount/Price Rebate with Product Groups and a Subtotal with Product Groups in the template, the product will automatically insert itself between Sum Discount/Price Rebate and Subtotal. As a result, unfortunately, the Sum Discount/Price Rebate will not be calculated. It is recommended to place another subtotal above the Sum Discount/Price Rebate. In this way, the product is inserted in the correct place and the calculation is complete and comprehensible in all steps for the recipient of the offer.

Discounts for total sums

The Sum Discount and Price Rebate elements also allow discounts on the total amount of a quote. For this purpose, the discount element is located below all products offered in the quote. Position the Sum Discount or Price Rebate item directly above the quote total to apply a discount to all previously applied line items.

Display of the discount item in the quote document

Sum Discounts/Price Rebates are only shown in the quote document once they are filled with a discount value. I.e. a newly added discount item is initially hidden:

Additionally, they can be shown or hidden manually. You can recognize manually hidden discount items by an icon on the badge; this way you can distinguish between the two variants.

Difference between Price Rebate and Sum Discount

While the Sum Discount refers to the offer total above it, i.e. previous Sum Discounts also influence the calculation, the Price Rebate is calculated solely from the Sumprice of the associated products. I.e. Sum Discounts or other Price Rebates placed above the Price Rebate are ignored in the calculation of the Price Rebate.

Example of successive Sum Discounts

The second Sum Discount is deducted from the subtotal after the first Sum Discount

The calculation is as follows:




Reference total





1st Sum Discount








2nd Sum Discount




Example Price Rebate and Sum Discount

The Price Rebate always refers to the Sumprice of the products, regardless of whether Sum Discounts have already been deducted.

The calculation is as follows:




Reference total





Sum Discount








Price Rebate




Discount rules

The Discount Matrix object can also be used to automatically determine discounts or Price Rebates at the summary level.

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