Saving & Quitting

Saving in the quote editor

While editing in the editor, you can save the quote temporarily using the button in the upper left corner without interrupting the quote editing.

The quote is automatically saved before a PDF preview is created, before it is sent by email and after changes are made in the Base Data dialog.

Saving prompt when exiting the editor

Via the Exit button on the right-hand edge of the editor

Of course, you are free to exit the quote editor in a number of other ways, such as clicking on a tab in your Salesforce app, browsing the app launcher, or clicking on the opportunity name in the editor.

To prevent you from unintentionally losing your quote or, in reverse, saving a discarded draft unnecessarily, the quote is always checked for unsaved changes as soon as you navigate out of the editor. You can now decide whether you want to save or discard them:

Display in editor



Display in editor



Query of the storage request.

The query appears as soon as there are unsaved changes in your quote.

Continue editing

The dialog closes, you remain in the quote editor, it is not saved.

Discard changes

No save operation is triggered, you navigate to the desired page


Before you navigate to the desired page, the quote is saved.


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