Quote Preview

Quote preview

After you have successfully saved and closed your document, you will be taken to the quote details page. It contains not only the quote details but also a preview of your quote PDF:

Editing options

The buttons on the right side of the screen offer the following editing options




Edit Quote

Here you can open your saved quote in the editor to make necessary changes.


Download PDF

Opens the PDF editor and offers here the possibility to download or print the PDF from the browser:

Submit for Approval

Initiates the approval process. After a record is submitted for approval, editing or callback is no longer possible, depending on your settings.

Send via Email

The "Send via Email" option opens a dialog box that can be used to send the quote by e-mail. This button is displayed only if there is no pending approval procedure.

Copy Products to Opportunity

The products added in the quote will be copied to the opportunity. This button is displayed only if there is no pending approval procedure.

Create PDF Attachment

With this function you have the possibility to generate a PDF from the quote and to attach it directly to the quote record. You will find the generated PDF in the "Notes & Attachments" related list after the "PDF attachment created successfully" status message has been displayed.

Set inactive / Activate

With this action you can change the status of the quote. A deactivated quote can no longer be edited, but the PDF functions are still available:

The reverse is done via the "Activate" button. Depending on the authorization, these functions are only available to users with admin rights.

Decline Quote

If the quote is not accepted, you have the option to set it to "Rejected" status. At the same time, this sets the opportunity to "Closed - Lost".

Order Entry

Here you can record the incoming order. At the same time, this sets the opportunity to "Closed - Won".

Set own signature

Using the "Set own signature" button, you can replace the current signature in the quote document with your own. This is useful, for example, if several employees are editing the quotes of an opportunity and want to insert the appropriate signature before sending.
When editing the quote again, the signature will be reset to the quote or opportunity owner.

If a quote is edited although you do not have permission to do so - recognizable by the missing edit button, e.g. for quotes that have been sent or are waiting for approval - you can operate the editor, but you cannot save the changes you have made. Instead, the following message appears: "The quote may not be saved: According to your settings, quotes cannot be edited at this stage."

You can remove draft quotes that you no longer need by clicking the "Delete" button. To complete this process successfully, the quote must no longer have the status active or be stored as a primary quote on the opportunity. If necessary, a toast will inform you about the circumstances that prevent the deletion.

Quote status

The status of the quote is visualized above the PDF preview:

  • Quote without approval process:

  • Quote with approval process:

Quotes that have already been sent can no longer be edited. These must first be reset by an administrator. The corresponding option is only visible if the user has the required authorization and the quote is in the appropriate stage.

Once the validity date of the quote has expired, it is no longer possible to edit a quote. If the user should be able to adjust the validity date, a quick action can be configured for this, or the field can be made editable in the page layout.

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