Creating a Quote

Create a new quote

You always create a new quote starting from the opportunity record. There are two options for this:

When you

on the Quick Action "New Quote" in the header of your opportunity layout:

Via the "New" command, starting from the "Quote" related list:

In both cases, a window opens for selecting the quote template.

Dialog for selecting the quote template

The "New Quote" dialog box offers two options:

  • Quote templates

  • Quotes

Quote templates

Under "Quote templates" all existing quote templates are listed, sorted alphabetically by name:


Under the "Quotes" tab, the quotes already created are displayed, sorted by quote date in descending order. They can also be used as a template:

This is useful, for example, if adjustments are to be made to the previous quote during the course of the negotiation. In this way, the previous quote variants are preserved and the negotiation can also be retraced in retrospect.

For better overview, there are the following filter and search options:

Filter criteria


Reduces the existing quotes to those created by the user.

Only shows the quotes that have already been created for this opportunity.

Displays only active quotes.

Full text search through the available quotes based on the quote name, minimum 3 letters required.

Only a preview is given in the list of quotes available for selection, but any further filter or entry of a search term will automatically start a server search, so you can be sure to find the quote you are looking for (as long as it matches the opportunity currency and language).

Click on the "Next" button or double-click to close the dialog and the selected document is ready for editing. The account, contact and price book data linked to the opportunity are automatically transferred to the document, provided the corresponding variables are stored. If you select an existing quote as a template, the original quote items are transferred to the new quote. If the products contained in the quote have mandatory product properties without an entry, these are queried when the product is initially loaded.

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