appero quote Lightning: Languages and Translations


Languages and locales are managed in appero quote Lightning using the apperoLanguageLocale global picklist (Setup > Objects and Fields > Picklist Value Sets). The picklist configured here can then be added to the following objects:

  • Opportunity

  • Quote/Template

  • Bricks (within the setup texts)

  • Product Properties

The locales German de_DE and US English en_US are already available in the selection list. Further locales can be added in the global list. Afterwards you can assign the defined locales to the respective dataset.

Please follow the default locale settings in Salesforce when naming additional languages and locales. This ensures that date and number formats are also output correctly.

Currently, appero quote supports the three locales de_DE, en_US and fr_FR in the standard and the associated formatting of number, currency and date values. Please contact our product support if you have requirements beyond this.

Language as a filter criteria

Basis for all further translations in appero quote Lightning is the Opportunity Language.

If the field SF42_LanguageLocale__c is displayed on the opportunity, a language/language scheme can be assigned there. This mapping is used by appero quote to filter dependent data as follows:


For a new quote, only templates whose language matches the opportunity language are listed. Additionally, all templates that are not assigned to any language are displayed. Existing quotes are also filtered for the language stored on the Opportunity.


Use the list view for active templates to show the "Language" field there. This allows you to optionally assign a language to the template directly in the list view. Important: Editing in the list view is only possible if the field has also been added in the page layout beforehand.


Similar to templates, only bricks that either match the Opportunity Language or have no language assigned at all are listed in the Quote Editor.


Create a list view in the "Setup Text" object and filter the "Type" field to the value "Brick". Add the field "Language" to the list view to optionally assign a language to a brick directly in the list view. Important: The field must be stored in the page layout so that editing in the list view is possible.

Note that the use of text items in Bricks - this includes product name and description - are output as they were selected when the Brick was created, regardless of the Brick's locale. This ensures that manual text adjustments, which are often made in bricks, are included unchanged in subsequent quotes. Please create bricks in multiple languages if needed.

Product properties

For each language and locale, the product properties must be created separately and the corresponding locale must be specified in the SF42_LanguageLocale__c picklist. This means that you have to create the same product property several times per product depending on the number of translations you want. This ensures that the product properties that are queried in the quote also match the locale of the opportunity.


If a Product Property with Price Influence has a different value depending on the territory, e.g. freight costs in Germany and abroad, you can map this to the same product in this way. Because each locale gets its own product property and therefore its own calculation.

Note on data maintenance

If you work with Opportunities that do not have a language assigned, but with multilingual product properties, all product properties will be listed in the Quote Editor at the same time. Therefore, it is recommended to assign one language to all Opportunities in order to avoid errors during quotation calculation.


The settings you define in the appero quote settings apply globally to the entire Salesforce instance and thus to every quote. Each setting corresponds to a so-called Setup-Text, which can also be viewed and edited individually via the custom object of the same name in Salesforce.

You now have the possibility to create settings twice with different values by assigning a locale to the setup text. A possible use case is different offer validity or different layout options in different countries.


To avoid duplicate matching setup texts, which would prevent the quote editor from loading, the filtering is done slightly different from the usual sorting: Only the most precisely matching record is selected.

For example, if there are two setup texts named quotevaliddays with the locales de_DE, de_DE_x and one with the same name without locale, the following selection is made:

  • for an opportunity with locale en_US the setup text without locale is valid

  • for a sales opportunity with locale de_DE_x the setup text with locale of the same name is valid

  • for an opportunity with locale de_DE_EU the setup text with locale de_DE is valid.

  • The other two options are ignored in each case.

To avoid unnecessary data, we recommend to assign a locale only to those setup texts that really need different values per locale.

In the Settings tab you cannot see these duplicate values, here the neutral version is usually displayed.

Products and translations

No language needs to be assigned to the product. Instead, it is enough to translate individual fields here.

Translations at the product are possible for the fields name, description and detail description. However, the translation at the product record is not done via the selection list SF42_LanguageLocale__c, but via additional custom fields, in which the respective translations are stored. These custom fields are named according to the following systematics:

API-Name_Picklistvalue of the LanguageLocale__c

API name field to be translated




Name_Picklistvalue of the LanguageLocale__c




Description_Picklistvalue of the LanguageLocale__c




DescriptionDetail_Picklistvalue of the LanguageLocale__c



As the field type, please select the same field type as the one of the field you want to translate. Add the newly created fields to the page layout of the product. Then you can enter your translations for the affected products here.

The quote editor will now check for the name and descriptions on the product and what value the “appero Language Locale” field has on the Opportunity. If the custom fields have a corresponding value to the Opportunity field, they will be displayed in the editor. If no value is found, the original name is displayed.

Products and locales

Optionally, a locale can also be assigned to the product record. The apperoLanguageLocale field is present on the product; if a value is selected here, the products available for selection in the quote will also be filtered to the locale of the opportunity.

The logic of translations is independent of this.

It is not necessary to maintain translations also on the Opportunity Product in separate fields. The correct values are automatically drawn based on the locale of the opportunity.


appero quote provides a kind of basic set to map languages and locales in the quoting process. There are restrictions inside and outside the product that have to be considered:

  • By default, appero quote supports the three locales de_DE, en_US and fr_FR. If you want to extend this selection with additional locales, see the section with the same name below.

  • Number and date fields in Mergefields and as values of Product Properties are displayed according to the user language, not according to the locale.

  • Picklist values in Custom Columns are displayed in the user's language.

  • Since MediaVelox's availability check is mapped using fixed user-defined labels, the locale does not apply here.

  • In addition to settings in Salesforce, browser language settings also affect the formatting of number fields, e.g. whether '.' or ',' can be used as a comma separator in the List Price field when entering.

If no language/ locale is defined on the opportunity, the company-wide setting for language and locale takes effect, not the user language. This ensures that quotes are written in a consistent language across employees.

Custom locales

You have the possibility to configure further locales in the setup. You will find the object "LocaleFormattingSetting" in the setup under the Custom Metadata Types.

Under the menu item "Manage LocaleFormattingsSettings" you can configure your own locale:

Then you can assign the newly created locale as a value to your global pick list and use it.

Note on data maintenance

Formatting via LocaleFormattingSettings will refer to APEX page, i.e. display in PDF. The display in the editor is based on JAVA, i.e. orientates itself on the locale name and picks out the appropriate formatting. We therefore strongly recommend that you assign correct locale names and settings to the new settings to ensure consistent and correct display in both the editor and the PDF.

Please contact our product support if you have any questions.

If you want to add further individual criteria to your picklist values, you can do so by adding them to the end of a correctly formatted locale with underscore. For example, you can extend the locale de_DE to de_DE_DACH. The formatting de_DE is recognized correctly, the filtering refers to the complete locale name de_DE_DACH.

Special case Swiss centime rounding

When defining a custom locale, you have the option to also store the Swiss Rappen rounding. For this purpose, you will find a new selection list "Rounding behavior" in the LocaleFormattingSettings, in which you can distinguish between commercial rounding and Swiss centime rounding.

If an opportunity now has a locale that is set to Swiss centime rounding, all currency fields in the quote editor will be rounded according to Swiss centime.

Additionally, set the "Store Rounded Values" checkbox if you want to apply the Swiss centime rounding also to the opportunity products and thus to the opportunity amount.

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