Multiple Currencies


As appero quote is also suitable for international use, you have of course the possibility to create the quotes in different currencies as well. In this case, the currency used in the quote basically corresponds to the Opportunity currency. The prerequisite for this is that the products also have a (further) Price Book Entry in the desired currency. For this, a few settings in Salesforce are required first.

Multi-Currency in Salesforce

Basically, the use of foreign currencies is stored in the setup in the Company Information settings: "Activate Multiple Currencies".

Once enabled, the Multiple Currencies feature cannot be disabled at the enterprise level.

You can then enter the desired currencies in the Currency Setup and provide them with a current conversion rate. You can also activate and deactivate entered currencies as required for your company. With the help of the so-called "advanced currency management" you can manage dated foreign exchange rates within opportunities using Salesforce. For more details, see the relevant Salesforce help pages.

After you have set up the desired currencies in the setup, you can add further price book entries to your products in the various local currencies.

In order for Sum Discounts and discount rules in the quote template to take effect in different currencies, it is necessary to create a Discount Product with a price book entry in the desired currency.

To enter the same product in different currencies in a price book, first create prices in the different currencies in your standard price book. Only then will the different currencies be available to you for the other price books.

The currency field on the product (CurrencyIsoCode ) is irrelevant for the quoting process in appero quote.

Multi-Currency in the quoting process

appero quote Lightning automatically takes into account the currency assigned to the opportunity and presents you with only those options that match this setting:

  • Only those quote templates that match the opportunity currency will be made available for selection. If you need cross-currency quote templates, please check the SF42_IgnoreMulticurrency__c checkbox in the template.

  • Only those products that have a price book entry in the selected currency can be quoted.

  • It is not possible to map multiple currencies in one quote.

  • Quote record and related Quote Line Items are saved in the same currency.

  • If bricks with products have been configured, only those whose products have a price book entry of the selected currency will be shown.

  • Product properties are displayed according to the assigned currency, i.e. would have to be created separately per currency. Alternatively, check the "Ignore for multiple currencies" sf42_quotefx__SF42_ignoreMulticurrency__c checkbox to be able to use a product property regardless of the currency.

  • As long as "Ignore Multicurrency" is NOT activated on a product property, all object queries (concerns properties of type Relation and Table) will be filtered on the opportunity ISO code.

  • The number of decimal places and their rounding are displayed based on the settings in the Salesforce currency setup.

This ensures that consistent quotes are created even when using different currencies.

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