Product Overview


Functions of the quote item Product Overview

Please note that the product overview cannot be used if the Settings > Layout "Use full page width for product name" (setup text productnamefullwidth) is active. It is currently not possible to display it correctly in the PDF.

The quote item "Product Overview" provides options for summarizing the quote content in terms of content and calculation.

Clicking on the gear icon opens the editing window. Three list modes are available here:

List modeExplanationComment
Shows all calculation items as a list, depending on the settings set below.
The selection is made from the list in the same window
Calculation Alternative

Shows all alternative calculation items as a list, depending on the settings set below.

Important: This function refers only to alternative positions "without formatting"
Dynamically reads out specific text areas or headings, depending on the settings set below.                                                                             

Notes on the configuration of the Contents

Using the Contents option, you can dynamically read the outline of your quote. The following text items can be selected

  • Normal text items assigned a position number
  • Headings 1-3

The numbering of a normal text area is done by the Showing the item column.

Notes on the configuration of the calculation overview

Helpful for the configuration of the quote overviews are the badges at the right document margin. Here it can be easily recognized whether an item is a subtotal, a group total or a net total:

In the product overview, the selected totals or products are then displayed with the current designations:

Selection in the window:

Display in the editor:

If a quote item contains variables in the description, these are also correctly read out in the product overview and displayed in the PDF. Only item-specific variables, i.e. those that refer to the quote position itself, e.g. {Discount} on the Sum discount item, are not recognized in the product overview.

The display in the quote PDF is based on the underlying CSS style.

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