Product Property without Price Influence
Simplify the configuration using the Lightning Page Layout Product_Property_without_Price_Influence_Dynamic_Layout, which automatically displays the required fields for the respective property type. Assign this to the record type Produktoption_ohne_Berechnung in the setup.
Product properties without price influence are suitable for specifying products in the offer more precisely in terms of content, without this affecting the price calculation. An advantage of product properties is that the information specified in the property is also transferred to the opportunity and is not lost in the body text of the offer.
Create a new product property of the record type "Product Property without Price Influence". The mask for configuring the product property opens:
Basic Configuration
The exact basic configuration is as follows:
Field Name | API-Name | Function | Example |
Product Property | Name | Under this name the product property is displayed in the offer | Cable length |
Property Type | sf42_quotefx__SF42_PropertyType__c | The property type determines the representation of how the property is queried in the quote editor. Possible characteristics are:
| Number |
Preassigned Value | sf42_quotefx__SF42_PreassignedValue__c | Optional, at this point a value can be specified with which the property is preset. In the case of a checkbox, the available values are 'true' and 'false'. | 5 |
Unit Text | sf42_quotefx__SF42_UnitText__c | Optional, this text appears in the offer after the payment input for more precise specification, e.g. a unit of measurement. | m |
Mandatory | sf42_quotefx__SF42_isMandatory__c | Optional, if this checkbox is set, it is mandatory to specify the product property. Otherwise it could also be skipped in the product dialog | |
hidden | sf42_quotefx__SF42_isHidden__c | If set to 'true', the product property will appear in the Quote Editor, but not in the printout. | |
Order | sf42_quotefx__SF42_CalcOrder__c | Optional, determines the query order for multiple product properties of the same record type for a product. | |
Opp Lineitem API | sf42_quotefx__SF42_OppLiAPIfieldname__c | Optionally, here you can define on which field of the opportunity product the determined value should be written (esp. property type Table/Relation). |
The Relations section specifies the product(s) or product group(s) to which the product property relates.
Field Name | API-Name | Function | Example |
Product | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Product__c | The product property refers to this product | GenWatt Gasoline 2000kW |
Product Group | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Product_Group__c | As an alternative to the "Product" category, the price calculation can also refer to products of a product group. In this case, no product is to be specified. | |
secondary Product Group | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Product_Group_2__c | Indicates the secondary product group, if applicable. Important: The product property then only applies to products that have exactly this combination of first and secondary product group. |
The sections "Basic Configuration" and " Relations" are to be filled in the same way for all property types.
Property types
Property type “Number”
The specification of the "Number" type property is done in the "Additional for Number" section. The following fields are to be filled in here:
Field Name | API-Name | Function | Example |
Value 1 enabled | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Value1Enabled__c | Mandatory field, to be able to query a number, value 1 must be active | |
Value 1 minimum | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Value1Min__c | Optional, at this point a lower limit can be defined | 2 |
Value 1 maximum | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Value1Max__c | Optional, an upper limit can be defined at this point | 15 |
Value 2 enabled | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Value2Enabled__c | Optional, with this checkbox another number field can be activated | |
Value 2 minimum | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Value2Max__c | see above | |
Value 2 maximum | sf42_quotefx__SF42_Value2Min__c | see above |
The sections - "Additional for Dropdown/Multipicklist", "Additional for Relation/Table" - do not matter for type "Number".
Property types “String”, “Textarea”, “Date”, and “Checkbox”
With the property types "String", "Textarea", "Date" and "Checkbox" you can insert an additional, freely fillable text field or a date field or a checkbox as a product property.
The configuration is done alone via the sections "Basic Configuration" and " Relations"
Note on the type "Date”
If the field "Preassigned Value" of the property type "Date" is to be preassigned with a concrete date, it is important to observe the standard format "YYYY-MM-DD".
You can also fill the "Preassigned Value" of a product property with the selection from another product property:
If, for example, a date field is queried in a product property of the type table, another product property of the type date can be preassigned with this date value. To do this, enter the following in curly brackets in the field "Preassigned Value": {ID of the 1st product property : API name of the date field}
The sections - "Additional for Dropdown/Multipicklist", "Additional for Relationship/Table" and "Additional for Number" - do not matter for type "String" and "Checkbox".
Property type “Basequantity”
The product property "Basequantity" acts as a "hidden" quantity specification related to products with bulk prices. This feature is helpful for upselling processes: If the customer has already purchased a certain number of a product, this number will be entered as the so-called "Basequantity" in the event of a further additional purchase of the same product and will be taken into account when determining the scale rate.
The configuration is done alone via the sections "Basic Configuration" and " Relations".
It is recommended to set this product property to "hidden". Unfortunately, an automatic readout of the already existing quantity is currently not possible in the standard of appero quote.
Property type “Dropdown/Multipicklist”
For product properties of the "Dropdown" type, the values available for selection must be stored in the "Additional for Dropdown/Multipicklist" section - separated by commas, without spaces. These will then be requested in the offer in a dropdown field.
For the property type “Dropdown/Multipicklist” the following fields have to be filled in:
Field Name | API-Name | Function | Example |
Dropdown Values | sf42_quotefx__SF42_DropdownValues__c | Captures the values available for selection | red, blue, green |
Property type “Relation” and “Table”
Display in quote editor
Product Properties without Price Influence are requested in the quote editor when inserting the product and can also be edited later via the Product Details dialog:
Users with the "appero quote Admin" permission can navigate to the associated record in Salesforce via the name of the product property. The product property opens in a new tab so that the quote process is not interrupted: