Quote Items

Quote items

In the left area of the application - behind the suitcase icon below the product search - you will find various quote items. They are divided into three categories

  • Content

  • Layout

  • Calculation

Salesforce users who are members of the "QuoteAdmin" public group can globally show and hide individual items.

Overview of the operating functions

The meaning of the individual functions at a glance:




Quote items

Opens the area of available quote items

Search screen

The existing quote items can be searched via full text search,
in addition, the list is also scrollable with arrow keys or mouse.

Add item

The blue plus sign appears next to a selected quote item. By a mouse click or double click the item is added to the quote document.

Position item

The selected item can be placed anywhere in the quote document. To do this, move the two blue lines in the document using the mouse.

If you move the mouse over the plus sign, the line turns green and the item can be placed at this position by clicking on it.


The name of the respective offer item is always visible on the right margin of the document. This allows a quick orientation about the quote and calculation structure.

Overview of the items of the quote

Currently, the following quote items are available for selection:

Quote item



Text area


This item can be filled with continuous text and placed anywhere in the quote. All text items can be edited by clicking on the item itself. A rich text editor opens for editing and formatting the content.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3


Additional text items that can be used as headings to better structure the quote. The corresponding formatting is defined in the of the quote.



The "Spacer" item inserts a blank area with a line height anywhere in the quote.

Horizontal Line


The "Horizontal Line" item inserts an area of one line height with a horizontal line positioned in the center.

Page break


The item "Page break" allows the positioning of a page break at any position. This page break will be executed exactly at this position during PDF generation in Salesforce.

Product Overview


This item enables the individual configuration of overview items, e.g. for tables of contents or investment overviews. For more details see section "Product overview".

Produkt Details


The product details show the product names and descriptions of all products present in the quote without prices.

Column Heading


You can place individual column headings anywhere in the document to structure your quote.

All columns in the quote can be customized both in their visibility and in their name.

All columns that have been set up in the global settings of the document are available.



The quote item "Graphic" allows the integration of graphics that are stored in the Saleforce documents. This option is recommended if the same images are to be embedded in the quotes again and again, because the graphic only has to be deposited once. However, care must be taken to ensure that the relevant documents are created in Salesforce beforehand, otherwise they will not be available in the quote.

In addition, graphics can be uploaded and inserted from the local work environment. This option is only recommended if a special image file is to be mapped once. Because the file is stored directly at the "Google Documents & Attachments" related list of the respective opportunity, redundancies can otherwise occur and Salesforce's data volume is reached more quickly.



Use this item to add the opportunity or quote owner's signature to your quote. Before you can do this, you need to upload the appropriate graphics to Salesforce and assign them to an appropriate user.



The "Subtotal" item automatically adds all products and sum discounts above it up to the beginning of the quote or up to a subtotal above it.

Total Net


The "Total net" item calculates the net total from all product items above it in the quote.

Group Total Net


This item must first be assigned to one or more product groups via the side toolbar. It then totals all the product items belonging to the group in the entire quote, regardless of whether they are above or below the totals line. 
Grouped quote items can be positioned anywhere in the document and do not necessarily have to be positioned one after the other. For more information on product groups, see the section of the same name.

Sum Discount


Using discounts allows you to personalize your quotes more and make them more attractive to your customers.

Note: Depending on the configuration of appero quote, the "Discount" column may not be visible and must be shown first. In appero quote, you can discount at the total or item level. Once you have inserted a product item in your quote, select it for editing and enter the discount in the field provided.

The sum discount item allows - provided that the corresponding columns have been displayed in the editing view - an absolute or percentage discounting of the net total.

Note: The percentage sign after the discount will be added automatically.

Price Rebate


While the sum discount refers to the quote total above, i.e. previous sum discounts also influence the calculation, the price discount is calculated solely from the sum price of the associated products

I.e. total discounts or price reductions placed above the discount are ignored in the calculation of the discount.

see also Discounts at Sum Level



The quote item "VAT" displays the VAT included in the quote as an amount, subdivided according to the tax rates involved.

Group Total Gross

Total Gross


The gross total items allow you to show the total gross totals of your quote, i.e. net total plus VAT amount.

The determined amount always refers to the entire quote, regardless of the positioning in the quote.

You can further narrow down the quote by filtering by product totals.

In summary items, the Description and Sumprice columns are shown by default.

In addition, in all net total items - subtotal, net total, net group total -.also SumListprice, SumPricePartner, SumPriceDist and quantity columns are correctly calculated and displayed by default.

Interaction of column heading and associated products

You can structure your quote better with the help of different column headings: All columns that you define in the global settings can be customized in the individual column header in terms of both their visibility and their name. In addition, you can individually hide the columns on the products themselves using the blue editing toolbar.

If there is a "Column heading" element above a product, its configuration is applied to the product below it,

  • when a new product is added to the quote via the product search

  • when products are copied from the opportunity to the quote.

Individually displayed or hidden columns on individual products, however, are preserved,

  • when you edit an existing quote

  • if you use an existing quote as a template or a quote template with products

  • if you copy products from the confirmed quote into an order confirmation

  • if you add a brick to the quote

Custom extensions

It is possible to assign your own labels or comments in the quote template. These are for better orientation in the quote process and have no influence on the quote PDF.

Instructions on how to create custom labels and badges can be found in Individual Configuration of Quote Items.

Related links

Calculation Items

Individual Configuration of Quote Items

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