Quotation Process - Booking for a fixed publication date

Quotation Process - Booking for a fixed publication date


After you have configured your products correctly, you can create a quote from the opportunity in your Salesforce instance.
When you select a product in the quote, the AdSales data is retrieved from MediaVelox via the product property for the availability check.

However, the product property not only maps the available ad spaces, it also allows you to make reservations for them in the quotation process.

The booking process presented in this section refers to the fact that the publication has publication dates at fixed times, e.g. classic print issues or newsletters.

Display in the quote editor

If the product property is properly configured and the checkbox "Digital product" f42_dispo__isDigital__c is deactivated on the publication, the following dialog is displayed when the product is inserted:

Display in the editor



Display in the editor



Name of the product property

see availability check

Show seleted

Filters the table to all entered reservations.

Search mask

If the selection of placements is very large, you can narrow it down with a search query.

Name of the issues that are available for selection.

Reference to the Issue Name field


Optionally the topic of the issue can be displayed here.

Reference to the field Teaser text on the issue


Date: The publication date of the issue

Reference to the Publication Date field


Closing date. The booking must be made by this date

Reference to the field Closing date


Deadline: The planning display must be available by this date.

Reference to the field Submission Deadline


Indication of the ad position to which the overview refers

Reference to the Object Ad Position



Current number of available ad positions

At this point, the availability of the mentioned placement is retrieved in real time.

As soon as an entry is made in the "Reserved" column, the availability in the editor is reduced.



In this column the desired bookings are entered in the quote process. The calculation in the editor is applied to the quantity entered here.

To reduce the loading time of the product property, only a maximum of 30 issues are initially displayed in a table. You can load further issues by searching for the desired issue via the full text search. You can use the "Show selected" button to display all your made entries collected in the table.

When the desired reservations are accepted, the booking is displayed in the quote editor in a clearly arranged form:

The activation of the reservation will only take place once the quote has been synchronized to the opportunity. By creating the opportunity products, additional bookings (f42_dispo__DispoBook__c) are generated as required. If availabilities have changed between the time of saving and the synchronization process, these are also validated and the synchronization process is terminated if the availability is too low.

Dynamic availability check

The product property for the availability check also takes into account the reservations made in the same offer document in the "Reserved" column and adjusts dynamically accordingly. The multiple insertion or deletion of a product in the same offer or the reduction of availability due to block entries is taken into account.

Please note that before deleting a position, you must first reset the reservation to zero.

If the product property is mandatory for the availability check, resetting the reservation is not possible without further ado. Via the "x" on the right above the table, you can delete the reservation at the same time and override the "mandatory" once, so that you can remove the product from the quote.

Reserved bookings are deducted from the availability, i.e. the reserved quantity of a placement is no longer available for quotes in other opportunities. However, if a follow-up quote is created within the same opportunity, the existing reservations - possibly with their lock entries - are ignored and can be included in the quote again. Synchronization back to the opportunity then ensures an up-to-date status again.

Overbooking of fixed publication date issues

Normally, ad positions on fixed publication date issues cannot be overbooked, the input is already prevented in the editor and at the latest when creating the dispo books. Via the checkbox "Allow overbooking" f42_dispo__AllowOverbooking__c at the ad position option, you can allow overbooking for also for fixed publication date ad positions. The availability (f42_dispo__countAvailable__c) will then slide into negative.

Bookings with rotation

The deposited rotation is also displayed in the quote editor: If you reserve a placement with rotation, the remaining availability is reduced by the value of the rotation.

In the example, the product "Superbanner Exclusive" with deposited 3 rotation:

If you reserve the placement once, three placement options are reduced according to rotation:

The rotation is also correctly counted on the availability.

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Availability Check


Dispatch Book



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