Bookings in the Past

Bookings in the Past


By default, the quote editor does not display issues whose publication date or publication period is in the past.

However, it may well be the case that past issues should also be available for selection here, e.g. if the customer subsequently adjusts a booking in a larger annual agreement and then wants to receive a complete overview of his bookings. This should then also be able to be created in the form of a quote or an order confirmation.

The availability display in the quote editor

The display of an issue in the quote editor depends on the checkbox f42_dispo__isActive__c.

An issue is active if the publication date (f42_dispo__PublicationDate__c) is in the current month, or if a number of days is explicitly specified as to how far an issue should also be bookable retrospectively.

This specification as a number is entered in the field f42_dispo__BookableDaysInThePast__c. With entry 365, for example, an issue is still active up to 365 days after the publication date and can be selected for a reservation in the quote editor.

Important to note

In the product detail dialog, the issues available for selection are displayed in the order in which they appear. Normally this is the next current issue. If a large number of past issues are now enabled for bookings, the table view of time-based issues or the timeline for time-period-based issues will first display the past dates. This can impair the user's quick orientation in the quotation process.

Please note that the Dispo Books also have a validity date and the opportunity must be in Closed Won status so that a Dispo Book with a publication date in the past is not automatically archived.

Also note that when you subsequently open a won opportunity, all existing dispo books are deleted. This procedure is therefore not suitable if aftersales processes such as invoicing or ad server connection are already running on the dispo book. In this case, we recommend the option Move Bookings.

We therefore recommend that issues are only released as required for bookings in the past. The subsequent opening of a closed opportunity for further processing also contradicts the core process of Salesforce and should be intercepted by alternative means if possible, e.g. by means of a new opportunity for the same customer.

In case of product update please show the new field f42_dispo__BookableDaysInThePast__c in your page layout. If you work with your own permission sets, please add the permission to the new field for the desired profiles.