Self-Updating Bricks
The Self-Updating Brick functionality is not part of the standard scope of appero quote. Please contact your product support if you are interested.
Self-Updating Bricks offer several advantages at once:
Their content can be centrally managed and automatically updated in the associated quotes and templates. In addition, they are locked for editing by the user, so that critical content is protected from manipulation.
A common example of a self-updating brick is general terms and conditions in quotes, which should always be displayed in their current state.
Create a Brick record over the object with the same name and activate the checkbox "Is Self-Updating".
A Self-Updating Brick differs from an ordinary Brick only by the checkbox sf42_quotefx__SF42_IsSelfUpdating__c.
Then you can assemble the brick as you like in the Brick Editor.
Please note that Self-Updating Bricks cannot include products and therefore Sum Discounts/Price Rebates!
If the checkbox is set subsequently for an existing Brick, the automatic update will only affect the subsequently created quotes, the activation will not apply retroactively.
If you uncheck the checkbox once set, the brick will be deleted from existing quotes the next time you edit them.
If you do not want to use a Self-Updating Brick anymore, please uncheck it using the sf42_quotefx__SF42_isActive__c checkbox.
Display in the quote editor
The Brick can be selected via the sidebar like any other Brick and inserted into the quote. The functionality is visually recognizable by the gray frame and the background hatching of the Brick.
The only editing options available to the user are the move and delete functions. If the brick consists of several items, they can only be moved or deleted as a whole.
Automatic update
If the so-called parent brick is edited by the Quote Admin, these changes will be displayed the next time a quote containing the brick is edited.
Changes can affect pure image and text content, but also the addition and removal of entire quote items.
The changes take effect only when the editor is opened, there is no update in existing PDFs, sent or approved quotes, i.e. quotes that can no longer be edited, so in any case the consistency of data is ensured.
Of course, self-updating bricks can also be integrated directly into the quote template. This gives you a convenient way to keep your terms and conditions up to date across templates, for example.