Template Wizard


The fastest way to create a first template after new installation is to use the quote Template Wizard. On the one hand, you can access it directly after assigning the quotation number system via the button of the same name:

However, you can also launch the wizard at any other time from the appero quote Setup App home page, it is located just below the quote number assignment section:

If the Quote Template Wizard is not yet visible on your Home page, please show the "Start Template Wizard" component on your Lightning page.

By starting the wizard, you will be guided step by step through the creation of a quote template with associated client.

Screen 1 - Selecting the suitable template

On the first screen, the wizard presents you with three different templates to choose from.

The three templates differ as follows:

Template Description


Preview / sample pages

Template Description


Preview / sample pages

Opportunity to Quote

  • Portrait format without cover sheet

  • Compact calculation with standard columns

  • Short cover letter and conditions

  • Clear, uncluttered style

A Variety of Products


  • Appealing presentation with cover sheet

  • Detailed structure with table of contents, product data and commissioning section.

  • Grouping of products into different sections. Please still create the corresponding Product Groups for this purpose.

Landscape format: The right Choice for many Product Details

  • Two discount columns for extended calculation

  • Two quantity columns, e.g. for packaging units

  • Display of service date and VAT


You like one of the three templates as it is?
Apply your selection by clicking on "Save and Exit". You will be redirected to the last screen where you can name your template.

You have decided on a type, but would like to make further adjustments, e.g. in the style or in the column configuration? Click on "Next".

Screen 2 - Formatting and style

On the second screen you can assign an alternative formatting to the included quote items.

To navigate, click on the names of the various items in the bar on the left. The following adjustments can be made to them:


Formatting options


Formatting options

Heading 1-3

  • Font Family, Color, Size, Alignment, Style

  • Background Color

  • Margin Bottom


  • Font Family, Color, Size, Alignment, Style

  • Background Color

  • Margin Bottom


  • Font Family, Color, Size, Style

  • Background Color

  • Margin Bottom

  • Border Bottom Color


  • Font Family, Color, Size, Style

  • Background Color

  • Margin Bottom

  • Border Bottom Color

The formatting of the selected template is preset, which you can then overwrite with your own values. Your customization is displayed immediately on the right side of the preview window.

You can further customize the style for additional quote items and formatting beyond the specified settings in the final CSS file after the wizard is complete.
Examples of the required classes can be found here.

Supported fonts

In the Quote Template Wizard, you can select the fonts from a drop-down list. It contains exactly the four fonts that are supported in the quote PDF:






Default font, Helvetica


The Times font is output


The Monospace selection corresponds to the Courier font

Arial Unicode MS

Arial Unicode MS corresponds on the one hand to the Arial font, and on the other hand it makes it possible to output other fonts, e.g. Japanese, in the PDF.

Please note that any other font specification in your CSS, such as "Arial", will be output as Times in the PDF.

Screen 3 - Basic Quote Line Item Configuration

In the third step, you select all the product details you need for your quoting process.
Product details can be fields on your products, such as name, description and product code, and also calculation values you want to include in the quoting process, such as discounts, quantities and prices.

Add the required fields using the checkboxes on the left.The preview of the product detail dialog updates in real time.
The Description - for product name and description and Sum fields are not available for selection, as they are mandatory to be included at a Quote Line Item.

At this point, the quote template wizard offers only the 15 most important of appero quote's 28 standard columns. If your configuration goes beyond the offered fields, you can further edit your template in the editor after completing the wizard.

Screen 4 - Configure columns for quote editor and PDF

In the next screen you can define how the selected details will be displayed in your quote document.

Adjust Columnlabels

In the first menu item on the left side you can overwrite the default label of the used details/columns for your purposes. e.g. if you use the 2nd quantity column for the duration of a product, it may make sense to overwrite the default label "PU" with "months" for example.

Visibility & Order

Next, you can define which product information you only want to show in the product detail dialog - i.e. for the quote creator - and which should also be output in the finished document.

To do this, move the selected columns from right to left using the small arrows and change the order using the up and down arrows.

Column Width & Alignment

Finally, you can specify how many pixels each column width should be and what text alignment each column should have.

You can see whether the added column widths correspond to the document width by the green or red bar in the preview window






green bar: the sum of all columns is still within the document width range (656 of 690 pixels in the example).


red bar: the sum of the columns exceeds the document width (in the example 713 of 690 pixels)
You cannot continue at this point, reduce the individual columns until everything is "in the green" again.

Screen 5 - Finish and save

In the last step you give your template a name.


Then click "Save & Preview" at the bottom right. The quote template you created will be saved and a PDF preview will be generated:

You now have two options:

Open the template in the editor and edit it further, e.g. adjust texts, assign product groups.

Close the wizard. You will then be taken to the appero quote Setup App home page. (Note that you may have to reload the page to find the template you just created here).

Strictly speaking, you have not only created a template with the Quote Template Wizard, but also a style, i.e. the associated CSS. You can find it under the same name in the Styles section. Here you can make further adjustments if necessary or deposit a letter paper.

Navigation in the Quote Template Wizard

While using the Quote Template Wizard, you can navigate back and forth at will.

To do this, either use the "Back" and "Next" buttons or simply click on the corresponding item in the footer:

Here's what you need to keep in mind:

  • If you have already customized a layout, then jump back to the home page and select a different basic template, e.g. portrait instead of landscape, your manual changes will be reset and the formatting of the newly selected template will be loaded.

  • If you navigate back after clicking "Save & Preview" on the last screen to make further adjustments, please remember to also save your changes afterwards using this button again. Otherwise they will not be applied.

  • It is not possible to open the wizard for editing the same template more than once or to cancel the process and resume it later. All changes after leaving the wizard can be made in the template editor as usual.



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