Product Groups in the quote Editor

Product groups make the product search easier and enable a convenient product range structure.

Product groups as product filters

In the quote lightning editor, you can already use the product groups as filters in the product search to facilitate the search, see section "Product Selection".

Only those product groups are displayed in the product search for which active products are also available.

Product groups for structuring the quote template

It is a good idea to already structure the quote template with the help of product groups. This has the following advantages:

  • Content differentiation: products are inserted right away in the document at the place that matches their product group, without the author of the quote having to research them.

  • Groupings are color-coded in the quote and can be recognized at a glance using the colored bar.

  • If the quote template contains elements for product groups to which no product is assigned in the individual case, these are automatically hidden during PDF generation. You can recognize this in the editor by the light red hatching:

This feature can significantly reduce the number of quote templates needed, as this way the quote template dynamically adapts to the products offered.

  • Calculatory differentiation: You have the possibility to create totals based on product groups. A possible use case would be, for example, to show the recipient products with one-time and those with recurring payment separately with the help of group totals.

Summation with product groups

You can filter each sum item element in appero quote by product group (see "quote lightning - quote items")

Example Subtotal

If you apply the quote item "Subtotal" to a product group, it will only total the related items above the total line up to the next subtotal. Elements of the same product group that fall outside this range are not taken into account in the summation:

Example Group total

The quote item "Group total" can be used to calculate the total sum of the quote positions from a group.
Products from the same product group can be placed anywhere in the document and do not necessarily have to be positioned next to each other:


Quote items, e.g. total items, text items, column headers, etc., to which product group(s) are assigned, are automatically displayed when products with the same product group combination are added. If the products are deleted from the quote, the quote items will be hidden again.

Locking a quote item does not affect this behavior. Locked quote items are also dynamically shown and hidden.

Managing product groups in the quote editor

You can also assign product groups to the quote items afterwards, directly in the quote editor. Select the quote items by setting the preceding check boxes and click the lowest icon in the blue vertical toolbar, a flag. The side toolbar for manual assignment of product groups opens:

Die Grundfunktionen der Toolbar sind folgende:




Checkbox for marking a quote item

Opens the blue toolbar on the side with the editing options.

Opens the menu for assigning product groups to the selected items.

Deletes the existing selection of product groups.

The selection list for selecting a new product group opens.


Hierarchy of assigned product groups.

At this point, up to 3 product groups can be assigned. The order does not matter for the summation, but it does if certain product properties are linked to the product groups.

Closes the toolbar without saving.

The changes made are not adopted.

Saves and closes the toolbar.

The changes made are adopted.

A subsequent assignment of product groups only influences the calculation of the sum elements, any product properties linked to the product group are not queried subsequently.

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