Duplicate Issues


The higher the publication frequency, the more issues must be created for a publication. To reduce the considerable manual effort involved, the Quick Action on the "Duplicate issues" offers the option of creating multiple issues, including the availabilities and placements stored there, with a single click.

You can also define issues as templates by activating the checkbox f42_dispo__isTemplate__c.

Issues that are marked as templates are no longer available for selection in the quotation process.

Salesforce Configuration

The Quick Action "Duplicate Issues" opens a Lightning component:

With the field values required in the component, you also define a regular publication cycle for your issues:

Field (with example)


Field (with example)


Lists the issues marked as templates in a selection list.

Start number for the generic numbering of the issues

This number defines how many issues should be created

Desired publication frequency

This selection list opens in case of monthly publication cycle. Here you can specify in which week of the month the issues should appear.

On this day of the week the new issues are published.

The series of duplicate issues begins with this publication date.

Information for ad scheduling: Calculates the ad deadline based on the publication date, e.g. 21 days before publication.

Information for ad scheduling: Calculates the deadline for printing documents based on the publication date, e.g. 14 days before publication.

We recommend to create a master edition of a publication, including the corresponding availabilities and placements, mark it as a template and duplicate it as often as required.

Please note that when duplicating digital issues, the field f42_dispo__PublicationDateUntil__c is not calculated automatically. This value needs to be added manually using a list view. The optimization of this feature for digital issues is planned for the next release.

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Issues: with issue templates and the function "duplicate issues" you can quickly and easily create future issues of your publications.

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