User Administration


In the SendHero42 user administration you can easily create user profiles or edit existing users.


A SendHero42 user does not need a Marketing Cloud license to create and send newsletters. A SendHero42 does not need a Marketing Cloud license either but it is recommended if for creating or managing new content blocks or customer keys.

Please note that the password expires after 90 days for each individual user and must be renewed.

User Interface

The start page is divided into the following areas:






Users can be filtered after name or e-mail address.

A list with the name, e-mail address, title and role (admin or user) of each user will be shown.


Display deactivated users. Initially only active users are displayed.


There are 3 different editing options for a user:

  • Show User: Displays user details (read only)

  • Update user: Option to edit the user details

  • Delete User: deactivates the user


Create a new user.

User Details

A user in SendHero42 contains less but essential information:


Die Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten lauten im Detail:






You can enter a title optionally.



Enter the user's first and last name in a field.


You can choose between the languages german and english.


With the help of groups you define the access rights:

  • Admin for Administration

  • HTML-Editor for access to the email editor for standard users



You can use the checkbox to specify which templates the user should have access to, i.e. based on which templates they are allowed to create newsletters.



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