Interaction between Quote Dataset and Opportunity


The quoting process in appero quote is closely linked to the Opportunity. This means that the Opportunity is also updated and saved during certain quote steps. This has to be taken into account with regard to the platform limits, if in addition many own automations run via the opportunity. In the following we therefore provide an overview of which saving processes there are from appero quote to the Opportunity, and how you can optimize them.

Saving the quote

When a quote is saved, the Opportunity is also updated automatically by writing the field values sf42_quotefx__SF42_Quote_Count__c - number of existing quotes - and sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuotesValidUntil__c - last quote validity date. However, the latter field - quote validity - will be updated only if the date has actually changed.

You can use the preventOpportunityUpdate parameter to prevent the described opportunity update. This can be useful if there are custom processes on the opportunity object that would be unnecessarily triggered by saving the quote.

Quote count outside the Opportunity

To be able to retain the quote count regardless of an opportunity update, enable the "Use new quote count" setting in the Functionality section.

This will retain the count on the quote object instead of the Opportunity and count up in the sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoVersion__c field - quote count - the number of all quotes created for this opportunity.

In the background, this type of counting is tied to the quote number, i.e. all quote numbers associated with this opportunity are counted.

The previously used sf42_quotefx__SF42_Quote_Count__c field - number of quotes - on the Opportunity will then no longer be updated.

Copy products to the opportunity

The "Copy products to opportunity" button copies the products added in the quote to the opportunity and marks the related quote as the primary quote. Also, additional accounts on the opportunity will be updated with the accounts from the quote, if necessary.

This step is also integrated, for example, in the "Order entry" or “Send via Email” function.

You can also trigger the opportunity synchronization independently via the "Copy products to opportunity" sf42_quotefx__SF42_CopyProductsToOpportunity__c checkbox on the quote record, e.g. by activating the checkbox via flows or approval processes. Please note that you should only trigger the checkbox outside the quote editor to get a correct result.

Order Entries and Opportunity synchronization

When an order is received, several process steps come together, which may also require the opportunity to be saved twice. The process flow is as follows:

  1. Opportunity products update: Delete the existing products and create new Opportunity products from the Quote Line Items. This will automatically update the Opportunity amount as well.

  2. Opportunity update: Affects the opportunity status, the entry in the sf42_quotefx__SF42_Primary_Quote__c field and, if applicable, in the sf42_quotefx__SF42_Quote_Count__c field.

  3. One-time update of all other quotes: The unaccepted quotes are set to rejected status and declined (entry in the sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoStatus1__c and sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuoStatus2__c fields).

  4. Checking the sf42_quotefx__SF42_QuotesValidUntil__c field: if the entry differs from the validity date of the accepted quote, the value will be overwritten and the opportunity will be saved a second time.




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