Newsletter Send


Use the Button “Senden” to send the newsletter directly from editing mode.

Right before sending the newsletter, please remember to start a test delivery that approves the e-mail.

Startpage Test Send

The Test Dispatch page shows a newsletter preview such as editing options.


Input field / Button


Input field / Button



This is a mandatory field. You can edit the text that is preset by the template.


You can add a preview text to the Preheader.

A Preheader is a good ay to increase the click rate of a newsletter.


The test newsletter will be sent to your own e-mail address. You can add other e-mail addresses (separated by comma:,


Start the Test Dispatch and check your postbox. After the delivery has been carried out, you will be returned to the start page of the application.


Use the Button “Bearbeiten” to go back to the structure preview.

Check your newsletter before you send it with the desktop preview.


Go back to the start page.

Newsletter Approval

You receive the test newsletter with the subject prefix “Preview” which helps you to check the content and the look of your newsletter. You will find two buttons on the bottom of the newsletter to either edit the newsletter or approve and send it to your subscribers.







Go back to the newsletter editor and edit the content.

Agree and send the newsletter to the subscribers. You will taken back to the editor aswell.

Final Send

After clicking “Approve and send” you will be taken back to the editor. Confirm the the newsletter with a click on the OK Button.

You will get two options for the sending process: sending immediately or scheduling for a special date:





subject and preview text are blocked for editing after approval.

Please find informations about dispatch and approval in the smaller text below.

The dispatch will start right after you click “sending immediately”.

Choose “Zeitplan” to select a specific date and time for sending the newsletter.

You will be taken back to the start page of the application in both cases. There you will find further information about the status of the dispatch.

Since the recipient list is already permanently linked to your template, you do not have to make any further settings when sending.


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