Release Notes - MediaVelox 22.200

Action required

In order for MediaVelox 22.200 to work, appero quote 22.200 or higher must first be installed in the Salesforce instance.

Quoting process

Price Per Thousand for Bookings for a fixed publication date

If the price for a single booking unit is too low to be useful in the sales process, the list price of a product is often set as a price per thousand (PPT). An example is online banners, which are not charged according to the number of units, but according to the number of agreed ad impressions, clicks or similar. 

Conversely, this means that the list price must be divided by 1000 again in the quote to calculate the actual final price. This function is mapped via the VE sf42_quotefx__SF42_VE__c field, which can be preassigned with the value 0.001 directly on the product.

Changes in version 22.200: The use of a PPT is now also possible for fixed publication date advertising, e.g. for inserts, where the desired circulation can also be entered in the PU field in addition to the booked issue.

Action required: Please note that a PPT cannot be used together with the rotation principle for fixed publication date bookings, as the sf42_quotefx__SF42_VE__c field is intended for the rotation cycle here. The distinguishing criterion is the "Multiply packaging unit in calculation" setting: This is active for PPT, not active for rotation.

Link to the documentation: Products | Price Per Thousand

Other Fixes Optimizations

The workflow rule that was used in the context of expense-based voucher copies has been replaced with an Apex solution.