Proof of delivery
Regardless of whether you have generated a voucher copy manually, by specifying it in the account or by means of rules: All methods generate a data record for the voucher copy object (f42_dispo__MVX_ProofOfDelivery__c). You will also find a separate topic list for this on the account.
Voucher copy data records bundle all existing information, from the rule responsible for a posting to the delivery address:
Proof of deliveries are usually generated using rules or generically. However, you also have the option of creating individual data records manually using the "New" button.
Technical description
API Name | Label EN |
f42_dispo__MVX_ProofOfDelivery__c | Proof of delivery |
Filed Name | Label EN | Type | Comment |
Name | Proof of delivery number | Autonumber | The individual documents receive a generic number as name |
f42_dispo__Issue__c | Issue | Lookup (Issue) | associated issue |
f42_dispo__Account__c | Account | Lookup (Account) | Recipient Account |
f42_dispo__Contact__c | Contact | Lookup (Contact) | Recipient contact |
f42_dispo__CountOfProofs__c | Count of Proofs | Number | Number of documents |
f42_dispo__Description__c | Description | Long Text Area | Optional |
f42_dispo__DispoBook__c | Dispo Book | Lookup (Dispobook) | If applicable, the associated booking |
f42_dispo__RecipientName__c | Recipient name | Text | Recipient Contact |
f42_dispo__RecipientCompanyName__c | Recipient Company Name | Text | Recipient Account |
f42_dispo__RecipientCountry__c | Country | Text | Delivery address |
f42_dispo__RecipientPostalCode__c | Postal Code | Text | Delivery address |
f42_dispo__RecipientCity__c | city | Text | Delivery address |
f42_dispo__RecipientStreet__c | Street | Text | Delivery address |
f42_dispo__ProofOfDeliveryRule__c | Proof of delivery rule | Lookup (Proof of delivery rule) | trigger rule |
f42_dispo__ExternalID__c | External ID | Text(255) | if necessary for data migration. Unique with consideration of upper and lower case |