All text elements in quote lightning can be edited using a rich text editor. Clicking on the text element will display a blue pen icon on the right edge:
This opens the edit mode:
Formatting options
The following formatting options are available for selection, they will be displayed at the top of the quote once the text area is in edit mode.
Text written in bold
quote lightning
Text written in italics
quote lightning
Text underlined
quote lightning
Text crossed out
quote lightning
Bullet points
quote lightning
quote lightning
Enumeration numeric
quote lightning
quote lightning
Indent paragraph
quote lightning
quote lightning
Undo indentation
quote lightning
quote lightning
Left alignment
quote lightning
Centered alignment
quote lightning
Right alignment
quote lightning
Delete formatting
Deletes all stored text information
Save and close
Applies the text changes and closes the edit mode. Alternatively, you can press the Enter key or simply continue editing elsewhere. The button is only for a better overview.
The penultimate point - Delete formatting - is especially important when text elements are inserted from other sources, e.g. emails or MS Office documents. The formatting implicit in can lead to an incorrect view in the PDF. If this alone is not sufficient, we recommend converting the affected text area to "plain text" in a text editor and thus freeing it from all formatting.
Limitations of the rich text editor
Not included in the rich text editor are options for editing:
Font size
Font color
Font type
These settings can only be set up globally in the CSS style sheet. This ensures that consistent formatting is maintained for all documents according to the corporate CI.
Important to know: Text areas formatted in Flex in a template, e.g. size and color of the heading, are preserved - but only as long as they are not edited in the lightning editor. If a fixed formatting is desired here, the quote admin can provide the relevant area in the template with a CSS class and create the desired formatting for the CSS class at the client for this purpose.