Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents

The quote document

The heart of the quote lightning editor is the quote document. It is located in the inner, bright area in the center of the screen:Image Removed

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The document structure

In terms of document structure, you have two main orientation points here:

The labeling of the individual


items of the quote by so called



Badges appear automatically in the right edge next to each quote item. They name the particular element item and therefore provide a quick overview of the quote and costing calculation structure:

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The setting of the quote columns at the top of the quote

The global column settings for the quote document are defined in the upper document margin:Image Removed

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You have the possibility to individually adjust this preset.

Clicking on the gear wheel at the top of the document opens a window for configuring the column layout.

  • Available columns

  • Visibility

  • Order

  • Labels & Orientation

  • Columnwidth

can be edited here.

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At this point it is determined which columns are basically available for the design of the quote.Image Removed

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Columns that are present in quote lightning, but not used for this quote.

In use

Columns that can be used for this quote.

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The small arrow keys can be used to move the individual columns from "Available" to "In use" and vice versa.

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Only the columns that were previously selected in the "Available columns" area will be displayed here. You can now defined which columns are displayed in the quote PDF and which are shown in the edit mode, e. g. for the calculation.
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In use 

The column is visible only in the editor and in the product configuration.


The column is visible in the editor and in the product configuration and is also shown in the PDF

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The small arrow keys can be used to move the individual columns from "In use" to "PDF" and vice versa.

The changes made are immediately displayed in the blue header.

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At this point the order of the columns in the layout can be defined. This option again refers to the PDF display.Image Removed

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Clicking on the up arrow moves a selected column up step by step.

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Clicking the down arrow moves a selected column down step by step.

The changes made are immediately displayed in the blue header.    

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In this area, individual column labels and the alignment of the column content in the document can be defined.Image Removed

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Displays the field name in Salesforce


At this point you can assign individual column labels

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In the Alignment area you can set the text alignment of each column: Left-aligned, Centered, or Right-aligned.

The formatting applies to both the column label and the values.

The changes made are immediately displayed in the blue header.

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Here you can configure the column width as shown in the PDF for each individual column.Image Removed

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Name der Spalte, wie im Bereich "Bezeichnung" festgelegt


Here you can set the width of the column in pixels

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With the "rangeselector" the width can be adjusted intuitively without pixel knowledge. 

The changes made are immediately shown in the blue header:Image Removed

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The upper colored line shows the total width of the quote as initially defined in the style defaults.

The gray line below visualizes the column width as individually configured in the menu. As soon as the individual width exceeds the available space, the upper bar turns red. This means that the columns are displayed cut off in the PDF, so adjustments should be made.


Please note that the display in the header is only an approximation of the actual display in the document. Please check in the PDF preview if the display corresponds to the desired one.

Basic function



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The blue arrow discards the individual settings in the respective area and resets the configuration to the initial state.
It can be activated at any point of the settings.

Column labels

Column labels can be further customized for individual areas as required. In addition to renaming columns, this also affects the visibility of individual values for products below the respective column elementitem.
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Identifies the


item column caption

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The gear wheel opens the menu for editing the respective column



Appears when you click on the column



Clicking on the gear wheel opens the modal for editing the column labels.Image Removed

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Displays the field name in Salesforce. All columns selected in the columns menu for the total quote are shown.


Individual column names can be assigned at this point


The rangeselector can be used to set the visibility of the column in the editor

Image Removed Visibility

Image Removed Invisible
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The settings on a column element item always apply only to the products directly below up to the next column caption.