With the product property "Pricecalculation from product" it is possible to calculate a price depending on the list price of another product.
Create a new product property of the record type "Pricecalculation from product". The mask for configuring the product property opens:
In this example, the list price for the Support GenWatt Gasoline 300kW product is calculated as 30% of the list price of the GenWatt Gasoline 300kW product.
The following fields must be filled in for the "Pricecalculation from product" product property:
Field Name
Product Property
Name of the product property. Note: Product properties of the form "Pricecalculation from product" are not shown separately in the offer, but are written directly above the list or sales price.
Support 30%
Optional, determines the query order for multiple product properties of a record type for a product.
Sets the product to whose list price the product property is applied.
Support GenWatt Gasoline 300kW
Price book entry
0,00 €
Product Group
As an alternative to the "Product" category, the price calculation can also refer to products of a product group
secondary Product Group
Indicates the child product group, if applicable.
Important: The product property only applies to products that have exactly this combination of parent and child product group.
Source Product for Pricing
Defines the product from whose list price the markup or markdown is calculated.
This must also be in the offer for the calculation to take effect.
GenWatt Gasoline 300kW
Price book entry
35.000 €
Operator (+/-/=)
The + and - operators can be used to define a markup or markdown. The = operator overwrites the list price with the newly calculated value.
Value Type (%)
For this product property, only the % type is useful.
Calculation Value
Specifies the percentage value.
Calculation: 0 + (35.000/100*30) = 10.500 €
Die Kalkulationslogik von appero quote verbietet eine Verkettung dieser Produkteigenschaft, d.h. die Konfiguration einer Preiskalkulationen aus Produkt mit Bezug auf Produkte, die ebenfalls auf einer Preiskalkulation aus Produkt basieren, sowie zirkuläre Konfigurationen. Eine solche Verkettung führt u.U. zu fehlerhaften Rechenergebnissen.
Display in the quote editor
In the quote, the value calculated via the product property is immediately output as the list price:
Wichtig zur korrekten Berechnung ist, dass das der Kalkulation zugrunde liegende Produkt sich ebenfalls im Angebot befindet.