In the following overview you can see to what extent you can combine several product features on one product.
Pricecalculation from Product
Pricecalculation from Sum
Product Property without Price Influence
Product Property with Price Influence
Bulkprice Block
consecutive, please specify order of calculation
Precondition: Setting Matrixsetendprice = false
Pricecalculation from Product
Precondition: Setting Matrixsetendprice = false
Furthermore, no chaining allowed, i.e. configuration of a price calculation from product/sum with reference to products that are also based on a price calculation from product/sum
Price calculation from product beats price calculation from total
Pricecalculation from Sum
Price calculation from product beats price calculation from total
Furthermore, no chaining allowed, i.e. configuration of a price calculation from product/sum with reference to products that are also based on a price calculation from product/sum
Product Property without Price Influence
Product Property with Price Influence
additive, calculation in each case from list price
Matrixsetendprice = false is not considered
Block bulk beats normal bulk*
Bulkprice Block
Matrixsetendprice = false is not considered
Block bulk beats normal bulk*
i.e. as soon as a block bulk rule is present, normal bulk rules no longer apply, regardless of the individual bulk interval