The “Functionality” admin area lets you control the formatting options and features available to you in the Quote Editor.
Setting | Type | Parameter Name | Parameter Textblock | Note |
Additional quote fields | Input field | quoteFields | API-Feldnamen | |
Additional opportunity fields | Input field | opportunityFields | API-Feldnamen | |
Additional user fields | Input field | userFields | API-Feldnamen | |
Additional account fields | Input field | accountFields | API-Feldnamen | |
Additional contact fields | Input field | contactFields | API-Feldnamen | |
Additional quote fields that should be filled by the quote user. | Input field | additionalQuoteFields | API-Feldnamen | Display additional quote fields in a dialog that should be filled by the user. |
Additional quote fields within start dialog | Option switch | quoteFieldsDialog | true / false | |
Additional quote fields within exit dialog | Option switch | quoteFieldsDialogQuit | true / false | |
Standard Signature | Picklist:
| StandardSignature | OppOwner / QuoteOwner | Defines the Preselected Signature for new Quotes. OppOwner = Signature File from the Opportunity Owner is selected |
Display signature of manager | Option switch | ManagerSignature | true / false | |
Format of quote name in Salesforce | Input field | quotesavename | The name for the quote can be designed with the text variables. Example: Quote from {User_Name} ({User_Company}) | |
Format of quote PDF file name | Input field | quoteattachmentname | The name for the quote PDF can be designed with the text modules. Example: Quote from {User_Name} ({User_Company}) The parameter refers only to the "Create PDF Attachment" function. It has no effect on the "Download PDF" action. | |
Standard quote valid date in days | Input field | quotevaliddays | With this parameter you can control with which value the date field "Validity date" should be preset. Example Title: quotevaliddays Value: 30 Effect: Validity date is automatically calculated and preset with TODAY + 30 days. | |
Maximum quote valid date in days | Input field | quotevaliddaylimit | This parameter allows you to specify the maximum duration of validity in days that users may enter. ExampleTitle: quotevaliddaylimitValue: 30 Effect: If a user enters a date greater than TODAY + 30 days in the "Validity date" field, the system automatically resets the date to the maximum allowed value. | |
Do not validate Quote Date | Option switch | doNotValidateQuoteDates | If this parameter is true, Quote Date and Quote Valid Date are not validated to the current date. | |
Standard VAT | Input field | standardvat | This parameter allows you to define the standard tax rate. This tax rate will be applied if no tax rate is defined in the opportunity or account. ExampleTitle: standardvatValue: 19 | |
Enables copy to opportunity functionality | Option switch | UseCopyToOpp | Configures the Function "Copy LineItems to Opportunity" effect: true - Function activated (Buttons available) | |
Copy products from opportunity without description | Option switch | CopyOppItemsIgnoreDesc | true / false | true = The description of the associated product (Product2) is drawn false = The description of the OpportunityLineItem (Opportunity Product) is drawn |
Additional product property object query Account @filter fields | Input field | productPropertyQueryAvailableFilterFields_Account | API Feldname | List of additional Account fields that should be loaded in order to be used as filter criterias in product property object queries. |
Additional product property object query Contact @filter fields | Input field | productPropertyQueryAvailableFilterFields_Contact | API Feldname | List of additional Contact fields that should be loaded in order to be used as filter criterias in product property object queries. |
Additional product property object query Opportunity @filter fields | Input field | productPropertyQueryAvailableFilterFields_Opportunity | API Feldname | List of additional Opportunity fields that should be loaded in order to be used as filter criterias in product property object queries. |
Additional product property object query Product @filter fields | Input field | productPropertyQueryAvailableFilterFields_Product | API Feldname | List of additional Product fields that should be loaded in order to be used as filter criterias in product property object queries. |
Use displayed Relation property field value for Opportunity Sync | Option switch | doNotWriteIdForRelationProductProperties | true/false | This parameter controls if Ids or selected Values are synced to opportunity products when product property type Relation is used. |
Mergefield-Sidebar available | Option switch | enable_mergefieldsidebar | true/false | Activates the Mergefields sidebar when editing text items and products. Affects only the quote mode. When editing templates, the sidebar is always available. |
Users may delete locked items | Option switch | allowDeletionOfLockedItems | true/false | Allows the user to remove locked items from the quote. |
Saves quote PDFs as Salesforce Files | Option switch | attachPDFAsFile | true/false | Saves PDF documents as Salesforce files or attachments. |
Use new quote count | Option switch | useNewQuoteCount | true/false | If true, uses SF42_Number__c records to determine the number of quotes for an opportunity. |