Price and discount calculation
Extension of tax rules
appero quote offers you various options for determining the correct VAT rate per quote item. In case different tax rates are to be displayed in a quote, the system consisting of the three objects tax key, tax rate, and tax rule offers the greatest possible flexibility.
Changes in appero quote Summer 22: Using the new field "Secondary Product Group" sf42_quotefx__SF42_ProductGroup2__c you can now also create tax rules on the secondary product group of a product. Primary and secondary product group can be used individually or in combination on the control rule.
Action required: None.
Link to the documentation: Value Added Tax (VAT)
Quote Editor
Custom columns and product properties
It is possible to map values from product properties to custom columns.
To do this, enter the API name of the field at the quote line item that is to be used as a custom column in the "Opp Lineitem API" sf42_quotefx__SF42_OppLiAPIfieldname__c field at the product property. Again, it is important that the property type and the field type at the quote line item match.
Changes in appero quote Summer 22: Also product properties without calculation of type Date are written correctly to the corresponding date field on the quote line item. Product properties of type Text and a reference to a custom column in the "Opp Lineitem API" field now interact correctly with the custom column again.
Action required: None.
Link to the documentation: Custom Columns
Column headers in Brick Editor
The new Brick Editor allows you to edit Bricks outside of the quote process and independent of a specific quote. Using the Bricks tab in the appero quote Setup app, you can open and edit existing or newly created Brick records in your own Brick Editor.
Changes in appero quote Summer 22: A column layout assigned in the Brick will now also be applied correctly when inserting the Brick into a quote.
Action required: None. Unless you use the packaged appero quote permission sets, please add in field sf42_quotefx__SF42_ColumnLayoutTemplate__c in your custom permission set.
Link to documentation: Brick-Editor
Custom extensions
Apex Hooks
If your product calculation goes beyond the standard functionality of appero quote, e.g. because the required information is located in a third party system, this query can be queried and written to the editor using appero quote's so-called Apex Hooks.
Changes in appero quote Summer 22: Synchronous queries become significantly faster, as they now do not require a save operation during the query.
Action required: For asynchronous queries there is no action required. For synchronous queries, please enable the new checkbox sf42_quotefx__SF42_IsSynchronousHook__c.
Further optimizations and bug fixes