
With the product property "Pricecalculation" it is possible to calculate a markup or markdown on the list or sales price.
The prerequisite for this is that the following options are activated in the Admin Settings > Calculation section:

  • "Apply price matrix to list price" (alternatively: "Apply price matrix to sales price", see below).

Create a new product property of the record type "Pricecalculation". The mask for configuring the product property opens:

In this example, the product property is used to calculate a 10% discount on the list price of the GenWatt Diesel 200 kW product.


The following fields must be filled in for the "Pricecalculation" product property:

Field name




Product Property


Name of the product property.
Note: Product properties of the form "Pricecalculation" are not shown separately in the quote itself, but are added directly to the list or sales price:

Discount 10%



Optional, determines, in case of several product properties of a record type for a product, the order in which they are queried in the quote.

The calculation of several product properties of the Pricecalculation type is performed consecutively, i.e. always starting from the adjusted Listprice, according to the specified order.



The product property refers to this product, it is also the basis for the calculation. The price calculation is applied to the Listprice or the Sales price of the product, depending on the setting.

GenWatt Diesel 200kW
Price book entry: 
25.000 €

Product Group


As an alternative to the "Product" category, the price calculation can also refer to products of a product group. In this case, no product is to be specified.

secondary Product Group


Indicates the secondary product group, if applicable.
Important: The product property then only applies to products that have exactly this combination of Parent and Child product group.

Operator (+/-)


The + and - operators can be used to define a markup or markdown


Value Type (%/€)


At this point, the price calculation can be set as an absolute amount or percentage value.


Calculation Value


Sets the calculation value.


25.000 -10% = 22.500 €

is Lowsell Price


Optional. This function requires an additional Admin Setting > Calculation "Apply price matrix to lower price limits". An approval process can be triggered when the defined lower price limit is reached. When the product property is used to define a lower price limit, the default price calculation is suspended.

A price calculation with operator = makes no sense and is therefore ignored.

Display in the quote Editor

In the quote, the value calculated via the product property is immediately output as the Listprice:

Apply price matrix to sales price

As an alternative to the list price, you can also apply the price calculation to the sales price. The price calculation is then applied to the Endprice column and the discount is entered as the difference to the Listprice.


If you combine the pricecalculation on the sales price with other product properties, the pricecalculation is ignored in the calculation.

Lower price limits

The product property Pricecalculation can also be used to define lower price limits. If a certain discount is exceeded by the employee, an approval process can then be triggered. For more information, see the Lower Price Limits section.