Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The “Functionality” admin area lets you control the formatting options and features available to you in the


Quote Editor.

Image Removed

titleNotes on switching to appero quote Lightning

The interface in appero quote Lightning is more reduced, because not all previous settings are supported or needed. Settings that are still used in the previous Classic editor are shown below in italics and in gray font color.




Parameter Name






API-field names

Default: Description,family


Additional quote fields to be filled by the user.


Selection list:

  • Opportunity holder
  • Quote holder


Defines the preselection for the signature graphic

OppOwner = The signature stored at the opportunity owner is preset

QuoteOwner = The signature deposited at the quote holder is used


true = Switching between OppOwner and QuoteOwner possible

false = only the graphic defined at StandardSignature is used)


Selection list:

  • first tab
  • second tab 
  • third tab


Sets the tab when opening the quote:

0 = Quote

1= Admin/Releated Account;


A Match Id for the quote can be designed with text variables


Quote record settings

Format of quote name in Salesforce

Input field


Default: {QuoteNumber}-{QuoteDate}



The name for the quote can be designed with the text


Example: Quote from {User_Name} ({User_Company})


mergefields, e.g. {QuoteNumber}-{QuoteDate}

Format of quote PDF file name

Input field


Default: {QuoteNumber}-{QuoteDate}

The name for the quote PDF can be designed


using the text


Example: Quote from {User_Name} ({User_Company})


The parameter refers only to the "Create PDF Attachment" function. It has no effect on the "Download PDF" action.




Saves quote PDFs as Salesforce Files

Input field




default_standard: false,
default_newInstallation: true

Saves PDF documents as Salesforce files or attachments.

Standard quote valid date in days

Input field



Default: 30

You can use this parameter


to control the value with which




"Validity date"


date field is to be pre-assigned.


  • Title: quotevaliddays

  • Value: 30


  • Effect:


  • Validity date is automatically calculated and


  • pre-assigned with TODAY + 30 days

Maximum quote


valid date in days

Input field



Default: 90

You can use this parameter to define the maximum duration of validity in days that can be entered by users




  • Title: quotevaliddaylimit

  • Value: 30


  • Effect:


  • If a user enters a date greater than TODAY + 30 days in the "Validity date" field, the system automatically resets the date to the maximum


true = The description of the connected product (Product2) is drawn

false = The description of the OpportunityLineItem (Opportunity Product) is drawn


Account fields to be used as additional @filter for object queries


Contact fields to be used as additional @filter for object queries


Opportunity fields to be used as additional @filter for object queries


Product Fields to be used as additional @filter for Object Queries


Use field value of relationship property for opportunity sync


Activates the Mergefields sidebar when editing text elements and products.

Affects only the quote mode. When editing templates, the sidebar is always available.


  • permitted value.


If a user enters a date greater than TODAY + 30 days in the "Validity date" field, the system automatically resets the date to the maximum allowed value.

Title: standardvat
Value: 19


This parameter allows you to define filters for the advanced product search. The filters check the values in the "Product name" and "Product code" product fields. You can specify multiple filters separated by commas.
This parameter is only active if the "Advanced product search" feature is also activated.

Title: productviews
Value: software, hardware


This parameter allows you to control whether the payment terms from the account can be selected as a variable in the quote.

Do not validate Quote Date

Option switch



Default: false

If this parameter is active, the quote date and valid date are not validated to the current date.


Mergefield-Sidebar available

Option switch



Default: false

Activates the Mergefields sidebar when editing text items and products.

Only affects quote mode. The sidebar is always available when editing templates.

Additional quote merge fields

Input field



Entry of the API field names, separated by a comma.

See Mergefields

Additional opportunity merge fields

Input field



Entry of the API field names, separated by a comma.

See Mergefields

Additional user merge fields

Input field



Entry of the API field names, separated by a comma.

See Mergefields

Additional account merge fields

Input field



Entry of the API field names, separated by a comma.

See Mergefields

Additional contact merge fields

Input field



Entry of the API field names, separated by a comma.

See Mergefields

Quote and Opportunity process

Standard VAT

Input field


Default: 0

You can use this parameter to define the standard tax rate. This tax rate applies if no tax rate has been defined for the opportunity or account and no suitable tax rules have been created.

Additional quote fields within start dialog

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

Shows additional quote fields in a dialog that appears when the editor is opened.

Additional quote fields within exit dialog

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

Shows additional quote fields in a dialog that appears when the editor is closed.

Additional quote fields that should be filled by the quote user.

Input field



Entry of the Quote API Field names separated with a comma

See Dialog for additional Quote Fields

Opportunity Stage Name for Order Entry

Input field


Closed Won

Default: ""

Pre-population of the field for the opportunity phase after accepting the quote.

Only required if there are multiple Closed Won statuses or if DoNotCloseOpportunityOnOrderEntry is true.

Do not close Opportunity on Order Entry

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If active, the Order Entry button will not close the opportunity.

Copy products from opportunity without description

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If on, the product description and name are taken directly from Product2 when the opportunity products are transferred to the quote. Any manual changes are lost.

Use displayed Relation property field value for Opportunity Sync

Option switch



Default: false

This parameter controls whether IDs or selected values are written to the opportunity product when the product property type Relation is used.