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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Der Admin-Bereich "Kalkulation" steuert - teils zusammen mit entsprechenden Produkteigenschaften - die Kalkulationslogik im Editor.

Image Removed

titleHinweis zur Umstellung auf appero quote Lightning

Die Oberfläche in appero quote Lightning ist reduzierter, da (noch) nicht alle bisherigen Einstellungen unterstützt bzw. benötigt werden. Einstellungen, die noch im bisherigen Classic-Editor Verwendung finden, sind im folgenden kursiv und in grauer Schriftfarbe abgebildet.






Parameter Name



  • X.
  • X.X.



  • X.
  • X.X.


Parameter definiert die Summenberechnung mit Verpackungseinheit.

true = Zahl in Verpackungseinheit wird mit der Menge multipliziert und fließt in die Gesamtsumme ein
false = Verpackungseinheit wird nur informativ angezeigt und hat keinen Einfluss auf die Summe


Rabattfeld als Aufschlag berechnen


Mit diesem Parameter können Sie steuern, ob das Rabatt-Feld als Rabatt oder Aufschlag reagieren soll.

true = Wert gilt als Aufschlag
false = Wert gilt als Rabatt



  • Euro
  • US-Dollar
  • Canadian Dollar
  • British Pound



  • Zahl
  • Prozent
  • Ganzzahl
  • Text



  • Zahl
  • Prozent
  • Ganzzahl
  • Text


Opportunity Produkte: Kein Runden beim UnitPrice


Rabatt (%) über Button zurücksetzen


Default: false

Blendet den Reset-Button für Discount 1 im Produkt-Detail-Dialog ein.


Default: false

Wenn roundquant = false, werden leere Dezimalstellen in den Mengenspalten nicht angezeigt, d.h.


The admin area "Calculation" controls - partly together with corresponding product properties - the calculation logic in the editor.




Parameter Name

Parameter Textblock


Settings for Product Properties, Type Pricecalculation

Apply price matrix to list price

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is active, the price calculation product property is applied to the list price.


Apply price matrix to sales price

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is active, the price calculation product property is applied to the end price.

See Price Calculation

Apply price matrix to lower price limit

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is active, the product property Price calculation is used to calculate lower price limits.

See Lower Price Limits (via Product Property Price Calculation)

Quantity Settings

Multiply packaging unit in calculation

Option switch


true / false

default_standard: false,
default_newInstallation: true

Parameter defines the sum calculation with packaging unit:

  • true = The number in the packaging unit is multiplied by the quantity and is included in the grand total

  • false = The packaging unit is only displayed for information purposes and has no influence on the grand total

Use Column Quantity Multiplier

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

This parameter activates an additional quantity column.

Quantity limited to integers

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

This parameter controls whether the numbers entered in the quantity fields should be limited to integers.

  • true = Limitation to integers activated

  • false = Limitation to integers deactivated, numbers with decimal places can be entered

Omit empty decimal places in quantity columns.

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If omitEmtpyDecimalPlacesOnQuantityColumns = true, empty decimal places in the quantity columns are not displayed, i.e.

  • 1.00 is displayed as 1

  • 1.500 is displayed as 1.5

  • 1.230 is displayed as 1.23

Rounding Behaviour

Discount rounded to integers

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is active, discounts at product level are rounded to whole numbers.

Use exact values to calculate sum values

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is activated, quote items of type Sum use exact values for calculation, otherwise they use values rounded to the second decimal place.

Use rounded values to calculate product values

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is activated, quote items of the type Product use values rounded to two decimal places for calculation, otherwise they use exact values.

Opportunity Product Sync: Do not Scale Product's UnitPrice

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If active, the UnitPrice is no longer rounded during opportunity sync.

Omit Emtpy Decimal Places On Currency Columns.

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If active, empty decimal places in currency columns are not displayed.

Calculation Trigger

Recalculate opportunity products before syncing them to quote

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If active, the opportunity products are reset to the original price book entry when synced to the quote, product properties are applied and sum discounts are adjusted if a discount matrix exists.

Do Not Update Brick Calculation

Option switch


true / false

Default: false

If this setting is active, manually changed prices and discounts in Bricks are transferred unchanged to the quote.